Obamacare: Say goodbye to Grandma and the grandkids!

Thank you, Napoleon, for not reproducing - no need for the 21st century fascists. But then you probably just can't get laid, so much for the conscious decisions...
steveinbsas said:
Might that not be considered just a wee bit racist?
Racist?? Where do you get that?? I could see elitist, maybe, but not racist. What am I missing here??
Dudester said:
Now we're talkin' TRUTH !!!! America's Health Insurance Companies ARE MURDERERS. They killed a very close friend of mine by postponing Cancer treatment over and over in order to increase their profits.

And your pal Obama is caught in an ever-tighter embrace with them:


Meanwhile, with a "mandate" herd of cash cows on the national horizon, the health insurance industry is licking its chops. The corporate glee is ill-disguised as the Obama administration pushes for legal mandates to require that Americans buy health insurance -- no matter how dismal the quality of the coverage or how unaffordable the "affordable" premiums turn out to be for real people in the real world.

The mandates would involve "diverting additional billions to private insurers by requiring middle class Americans to purchase defective policies from these firms -- policies with so many gaps and loopholes that they currently leave millions of our insured patients vulnerable to financial ruin," says a letter signed by more than 3,500 doctors and released last week by Physicians for a National Health Program.

But what about "the public plan" -- enabling the government to offer health insurance that would be an alternative to the wares of for-profit insurance firms? "Under pressure from industry and their lobbyists, the public plan has been watered down to a small and ineffectual option at best, if it ever survives to being enacted," says John Geyman, professor emeritus of family medicine at the University of Washington.

A public plan option "would do little to mitigate the damage of a reform that perpetuates private insurers' dominant role," according to the letter from 3,500 physicians. "Even a robust public option would forego 90 percent of the bureaucratic savings achievable under single payer. And a kinder, gentler public option would quickly fail in a healthcare marketplace where competition involves a race to the bottom, not the top, where insurers compete by NOT paying for care."

Let's wait with bated breath for more miracles from the messiah.
Wolf, you're so off the wall. We ALL KNOW Obama's health care plan as it stands now is a joke - but better than McCains would have been (the man doesn't have the courage to go all the way - we get it). The main problem is the top thieves - Health Care Company Insurances divisions don't want to be touched but yet to get real pure, French style Health care The insurance companies gotta go rid of all of those themselves - make them disappear (will save something like 35 % of all the cash in the UHC system).

Americans don't go to Sweden or France to see for themselves how brilliant those systems work - I have, I 've seen them for myself so non of these used car sales men slick jive ass turkey American Politicians can't pull a fast one on me. Unfortunately very few American's even have a clue to how badly sodomized we all are by all these lies from big business. Sooner or later the pain will get big enough to make everyone wake up (but, as all things, it will come much too late)
Some of the bilge coming out surrounding what is essentially a giant step in the right direction is mind boggling. Free healthcare for the vulnerable, paid for by the richest government in the world - you really have to do some extraordinary mental gymnastics to convince yourself that this is actually a really bad idea.

But I suppose if you are determined to believe the worst you'll clutch at any straws presented by anyone.
:D Talking facts and reason with conspiracy theorists is pointless. They will always believe what they want to believe.

If we were to listen to right-wing CT's just in the last week; Obama is an illegitimate president (and illegal alien at that too), who is a racist and hates white people, and was born in the Republic of Kenya (mind you, before it was a republic) in muslim Mombasa (which wasn't part of Kenya at the time), whose parents concocted this elaborate plot in 1964 to fake a Hawaiian birth and newspaper announcements of their son's birth in Hawaii so that they could pave the way for their son to grow up and 47 years later become the first black president, takeover America, make it a communist country, trick you into buying a car so he can steal your personal files, and force a "death"-care plan on all Americans with the purpose of killing your grandma, give free abortions, and mandate free sex-changes for Americans. :eek:

Yup.... you can find all those up on the internets. ;) ... Gotta love 'em. Can't wait to see what next week is going to bring. :D
Yep, the next thing you know, someone (probably a right wing mob nut with manufactured hate) will claim the proposed House health care legislation will give the government direct access to individual citizens' bank accounts.
Dudester said:
Wolf, you're so off the wall. We ALL KNOW Obama's health care plan as it stands now is a joke - but better than McCains would have been (the man doesn't have the courage to go all the way - we get it).

Dudester, I realise how painful this admission must be for you. I'm relieved to see you make it. Not much of a choice when we're comparing the awful Obama with the even more awful alternative of McCain.