Obgyn Clinic And Ultrasound Question


Aug 11, 2012
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone can tell me if it is normal in BA for OBs not to have an ultrasound machine in their office and send you somewhere else just for a regular scan? I am currently about 6 weeks pregnant, went to my first appointment today and was hoping we get to see the heartbeat like we did last time I was 6 weeks pregnant, but I was shocked to find out that the doctor didn't even have an ultrasound in his office.
He sent me to do lab work at one place and told me to wait for 2 more weeks and go to another place for ultrasound. I've only had one child so far, so can't really say I'm an expert on the subject, but I remember last time the doctor checked to make sure there was a heartbeat before ordering any lab work. Btw. my daughter was born in Panama (the country, not Florida).
I understand that not all doctors do ultrasounds every single time, but my last doctor did and I really liked having a little print out of the scan to take home every month (a few times she even gave me a CD with videos), so I'm actually really disappointed that we didn't get anything today :~(
Can anyone recommend an OB that does ultrasounds in the same office with checkups? Or maybe someone with an office in a hospital such as Trinidad or Swiss medical so in case I have to go to 2 separate doctors at least they are in the same building?
PS. I have a health insurance plan that refunds me for any hospital/clinic.

Thank you so much for your help :)
Oh, I know...! So dissapointing, and I am not even pregnant! Sorry but I cannot help you.

These last 5 years I have visited 2, 3 ob gyns and no one has an ultrasound machine in their office (if you mention it to your Argie friends, they give you a"what is this princess talking about?" look).

Good luck!

OT: (and do not get me started on doctor's offices --- my ob-gyn has a big name and the crappiest 70s office).
Doesn't exist here AFAIK. You will need a sep appt for all the ultrasounds. If you go to the Swiss Med clinic on Purreydon or the sanatorios, you might be able to do it in the same bldg but won't be at the same time. Sorry, I don't have any reccos for doctors there. Typically they will do a first US after your first appt/lab test. (they prob wouldn't be able to hear an HB at 6 weeks anyway). After that, depending on your pregnancy, the OB will order ultrasounds as needed. And yes, you go get your US, then bring it to your OB at the next appt and he'll review. Same with blood tests, glucose test, every test. Frustrating but just the way the system works.

ETA - congrats on expecting.
Some doctors do ultrasounds at their office, this is not the most common. Many years ago I used to see Dr. Tarrab ( when I was pregnant with my first ) and he would do it every time.
During my pregnancy in Buenos Aires I went to Galenos Clinic in Martinez. They had the ultrasounds no the same building at lest, but I don't think that I was able to get an appintment in the same day.
Here in Villa I was lucky enough to have a very well equipped OB so I got a scan every time I went in. I wasn't able to deliver with him though since he only has privileges at the hospital in Bariloche and that is an hours drive. In the end I didn't have an hour.
I am already getting that "what is this princess talk" look from people :( But thanks ladies for the info on obs in Argentina. I can now have more realistic expectations of what is going to happen in the next few months.
I know it sounds crazy but this baby came too soon and I guess mentally we are not completely prepared for it, and seeing something on the us would have really convinced us (especially my husband) that this is really happening!
Nikad and Tilda: would you mind giving me your doctor's info?
Thanks so much everyone :)
Dr. Liliana Campos was my OB. All my ultasounds were done at CEGYR with Dr.Hamer. It does suck that everything isn't in 1 building ... BUT there are so many doctor's and labs in Barrio Norte you won't have to walk too far. Relax, enjoy this time and think positive!!!
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