Occupy Wallstreet... and Bs As?


Another example of the Occupy movement in Atlanta....if you don't laugh there's something wrong with you...

WARNING: This video will take a lot of patience to watch and includes the ignoring of Congressman John Lewis from speaking at the assembly, a man whom was submitted to beatings by white segregationists during the civil rights battles and deserves the respect of every living American...All of this because APPARENTLY “No human being is inherently more valuable than any other human being.”

Here’s an idea. Let’s find one of these fools lying in a pool of blood by the side of the road after a horrendous car crash … and tell them that we have one of their urban outdoorsmen (homeless) friends from the park coming to care for them. If they ask for a doctor remind them that no human being is any more valuable than another....I mean, come on...How can you not laugh at this sh!t???
@ first vid, Do not degrade the Scientologist genius, as he's a genius.

@ second vid, "we are pretty close to consensus" sieg heil to that! and yes I am laughing.
So who took part in the B.A march in support of Occupy Wall street yesterday? (Saturday)
gsi16386 said:

Another example of the Occupy movement in Atlanta....if you don't laugh there's something wrong with you...

There must be something wrong with me..I didn't laugh. I did want to hit something though!

Rhetoric without critical thinking is what gets us all (individually and corporately) into messes in the first place. If you want to kick out the old, you have to think and act in a different way, not the same way. And if you can't respect the wisdom and integrity of people who have put in the hard yards - you lose everything they ever gained for you. Such respect does not make someone more equal than you (crap - did I just say that? lol. How 'Animal Farm' -"some are more equal than others") - it probably does reveal your own sense of inferiority though.

I used to be well into the activist/protest scene, but realised that the VAST majority of those people there are not interested in making any personal changes - they want everyone else to do the changing. It may sound like a cliche but the only way to change things if you don't like them, is to be different yourself, and look at your own motivations. And if you don't like the product - don't buy it. I do get the feeling that many 'activists', particularly in Western countries', really don't know what it's gonna take on their part for the world to be more equal, particularly on a material level - the reality is that us Westerners will need to REDUCE our standard of living - and most people, no matter how radical they claim to be, don't want to do that. And that's why 'simple' political overhauls are not going to work. The politicians can have all the will they like to make changes, but if the will of the people is not to change themselves as well - what's the point?

I'm all for changing the way this system functions, but really, whatever changes come about through political revolution are only going to be a white wash if you continue to act in the same way, and in the same spirit as before, even if the revolution is in the name of 'freedom, liberty and equality'.
SOooo....I thought I'd take a trip back to memory lane and see how you Occupy supporters feel about the movement now???

After weeks of the Occutards protesting and banging their drums, their movement seems to have deteriorated. Violence. Destruction of property. Sexual attacks. Head and body lice. The longer they are out there, the more apparent it becomes that they are nothing but a bunch of destructive, whiny children – Obama’s Children – with nothing but mindless complaints and no rational solutions.

Let’s add to their growing list of outrageous actions, in the name of the “99%.” Occupy San Diego: Protesters Splatter Blood, Urine And Graffiti On Food Carts After Vendors Stop Free Service…Occupy Portland Libs Threaten To Attack Pizza Joint After They Run Out of Breadsticks…In New York they trashed a McDonalds that wouldn’t give them free food. It seems as though the Occutards demand what they want, and if you don’t give it to them, then you will suffer. Forget the rule of law. It’s what the people want. It’s what we, the 99%, are entitled to! Why? Because we want it. Gawd help us...

This is the movement a lot of people on this forum supported, which speaks volumes about the types of people that frequent this forum. The sense of entitlement running rampant baffles me.
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