OECD Education 'Ranking' 2019


Feb 21, 2014
Some interesting research just published by the OECD.

PISA is the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment. PISA measures 15-year-olds' abilities across several core academic disciplines.

Here is some analysis from ámbito. Full of data and graphs for those of you who are into that sort of thing.

"De los 79 países evaluados por la OCDE, el país ocupa el puesto 63 en Lectura, el 71 en Matemática y el 65 en Ciencias. Todos por debajo del promedio regional. China lidera el ranking"


It's funny that China gets its country's average based on four of its wealthiest cities. Nevermind the 1 in 3 kids that don't even finish junior high that live in rural areas, or the other kids that are either non-wealthy or non-urban and have abysmal educational opportunities.
The lady school teacher that handles the Pisa test in Argentina explained that the test was designed for the average/media of students in Europe...! For that reason the results in Argentina were Lower. Then someone asked how come the neighbouring countries in Latam obtained better results. the lady refused to answer directly. The head of the prestigious Colegio Nacional explained it very simply, the students here (·"Estan cagados de hambre") suffer from hunger...
Argentina had the worst results of all participating South American countries.
And there best performing country in the region is rioting because they want to be more like here.
Go figure....