Oh, Hi. I'm New Here And Everyone Talks Too Fast.

Many take a nap between getting home from work and going out. They also sleep really late on the weekends. Like I had friends back in my going out days who would sleep until 3 or 4 in the afternoons on Sat/Sun. And Mon/Tues weren't late nights, Wed-Fri, they would come home and sleep for a few hours after work and then go out at 10 or so for dinner and then out for drinks.

I tried doing the whole nap thing but I wake up like a zombie! Plus staying out to 6am totally wrecks the rest of the weekend.

I can't wait to get back a more civilised way of getting totally wasted ;)
@nlaruccia: Appreciate the YMCA info. I will check it out when I get back next week

@Jaredberryman: I live in Palermo Hollywood.

I love sleep.
@nlaruccia: Appreciate the YMCA info. I will check it out when I get back next week

@Jaredberryman: I live in Palermo Hollywood.

I love sleep.

If you love sleep, you are in the wrong city : ) In Belgrano, there is a nice club called Harrods that even has a 1st division club team (semi-pro). You might want to try calling them (find their web page) and seeing when it is the non-affiliated members go and play there (there is probably a place for that once a week where some of the older guys go and play pickup). Harrods is one of those few clubs that has an actual wood court. Also, call Obras and see if there is a time where people go play pickup ball. Obras is the city's most prominent basketball clubs, and it is also located over in Belgrano. If they don't have pickup they might be able to help you find it. Also, there is a polideportivo, a big one, in Colegiales (one neighborhood over from Belgrano) where, when the weather's nice, people play pickup from after working hours at about 6 PM or so until it gets dark. If you find a place where people go and play open pickup games, let me know. Please be aware that in those cases, most of the guys will suck (not sure what level you're looking for), not throw it off the backboard suck, but sit-on-the-end-of-the-bench high school suck. Pickup games are hard to find!