If you do send something, don't send via FedEx or DHL - that will certainly get you out to Ezeiza and Ezeiza is four times the headache as the post office in Retiro. If you send something via USPS, for example, it should show up at Retiro and it's a bit easier to get it out, but still a headache.
Going through DHL or FedEx (I think they are technically freight forwarders, at least treated that way here) ensures that you have to pay for some paperwork and go through a more rigorous process and possibly have to make more than one trip to the airport.
At Retiro, something the size of what you're shipping probably wouldn't get sent to your door. You would get a notice in the mail, take that down to the post office in Retiro, get a number to register yourself for what you're picking up, get another number and wait anywhere from an hour to all day for your number to be called over a crappy speaker system, then go wait in line for the customs agents to call your number to pick up your box, discuss what it's going to cost (have any invoices with you to prove the price), you'll get an invoice that you have to pay at the bank at the end of the package retrieval counters before leaving with the package and you have it. I got lucky once and it only took about an hour and a half, the worst time it took a day and a half (returning the second day).
I haven't tried to bring anything since the import restrictions started. I wonder if you might have any problems if something similar is produce here?