Papa Francisco: The Best Argentinian Ever?


Dec 11, 2014
I am a catholic but I don't take religion too seriously. Being Argentinian, I am definitely biased so I'd like to know what you think about Pope Francis.
Personally I rate Maradona over him (yeah, that low I put Francisco).
Not, but the pope is the representative of one of the most evil corporations in the history of humanity. Millions and millions of crimes directly and indirectly. They claim to help people but live in palaces full of gold, made manouvres with the Vatican bank, manipulate peoples mind, have a lot of political power world wide (including some political parties or huge influence in the media, and a long etcetera).

It is an evil corporation.

Maradona is just a poor guy who did not know what to do with his life and all the money. They picked him from a Villa and put him to entretain rich europeans in Barcelona and earn millions with 20 y/o. I think he couldnt absorb that huge change of life.
I am not generally a big fan of popes, but I think this one is doing an amazing job wielding a lot of power and doing quite a bit of a good. Of course, the Catholic church has a long way to go, but at least he has good priorities and acts with conviction and compassion.
Clearly, he cares more about serving the poor than staying alive. I saw him in Rome and was completely freaked out he was going to get shot...he was hanging halfway out of his car without a care in the world for his own safety.
As a dyed in the wool Guardia de Hierro peronista, shouldn't the pope be boycotted by BAExpats?
Not, but the pope is the representative of one of the most evil corporations in the history of humanity. Millions and millions of crimes directly and indirectly. They claim to help people but live in palaces full of gold, made manouvres with the Vatican bank, manipulate peoples mind, have a lot of political power world wide (including some political parties or huge influence in the media, and a long etcetera).

It is an evil corporation.

I didn't take you for a Protestant. Calvinist maybe, or more likely of Italian Waldesian roots?

The term Corporation for the Church of Rome is quiet legitimate and correct. Perhaps I am wrong, but I bet your ancestors have been for centuries part of the Body of the Church. The Catholic Corporation, is the union of all faithful (in Christ) souls taken together, not the managerial structure of the Church, which is what you were probably referring to.

I hope you realize, even if Waldesian, that the Catholic Church has been the only vehicle that preserved Roman and Western European culture, tradition and education for centuries. I'm not saying it was immaculate, but it allowed for civilization to go on and indeed expand. For centuries the church had been the only refuge for the mind and written word. Without it there would have been no Reformation and consequently no Socialism.
If you like either or both Argentina and Socialism, you'll have to consider that Argentina is a Catholic country, that Socialism in any of its forms would not have been conceived without a Western Christian medium, and then see what you think of the current Head of the Church.

But of course I'm forgetting that some people focus more on the differences than on the common ground. To my remotely Christian brothers who thinkt hat way I say: Allahu Akbar!
Well, to summarize, the Catholic Church not only represents in Spanish culture countries, the past, the tradition, the regression, the oposition to every change, to evolution, to open minded, to adaptation to a new world, to gay marriage and legal abortion, not only remains in a different world, not only represents the conservative paradigm; its also a very bloody institution, from the conquest of America, killing entire civilizations, millions of innocent people, to Hitler and the Latin America dictatorships.
Well it's good that you mentioned the Fuhrer, I was already thinking there was something wrong with my internet connection and was about to call Cablevision.

While the man was born in a Catholic area, the people who voted for him where mostly non Catholics (the Catholics vote for the Center, never for Extremes), and his native country had to be annexed with the threat of force.
do you know actually Hitlers pope? the posture of the Catholic Church during Nazism? If there was a resistance, its because the official posture was different.