Paul Frampton Article


Apr 18, 2011
The NY Times has an article today about the bizarre case of Paul Frampton, the theoretical physicist convicted on charges of drug smuggling in Argentina. He came on the pretense of meeting in person a bikini model with whom he had been chatting online, and whom he intended to marry. It's a fascinating read, especially the account of the disclosure of his text messages after arriving in Argentina, with a bag he believed to be hers in tow, the contents of which he claimed to be entirely ignorant at his trial.
I read aloud the entire article to my younger niece and aging mother with the subtext that a Professor Frampton needs to learn a bit about the realities of life. His sentence should have been longer because he has had all the opportunities in life to know better. It is a simple case of greed and lust. We did not believe his story.
I read aloud the entire article to my younger niece and aging mother with the subtext that a Professor Frampton needs to learn a bit about the realities of life. His sentence should have been longer because he has had all the opportunities in life to know better. It is a simple case of greed and lust. We did not believe his story.

My wife thinks he may be autistic.
How stupid.

I'm actually surprised to have never heard anything about this in the news -- not that I read the paper everyday, but you'd think it would be a bigger story here. Maybe I missed it.

My wife thinks he may be autistic.

I thought this as well, and seemed to be alluded to in the article, but it doesn't change the fact that he knew what he was doing was wrong. :p
The guy thinks he is god's gift. He "rarely listens to the opinions of others". What a jerk.
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]Why so harsh?[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]He has my sympathy for being so naive.[/background]

He thinks he is so hot/brilliant/important that a 25 year old bikini model will be the mother his children, he being a 68 year old man whom she has never seen before? Come on! who does he think he is? DSK? :)
Naive is the key word here in case you hadn't noticed.
This is also a million miles away from the DSK case and in no way comparable.
Doesn't it strike you that Professor Frampton and other geniuses (?) like him, live in a different universe?
It's naive in the extreme to believe that Denise Milani would be his girlfriend which surely encapsulates this whole tragic affair.
Compassion is a rare gift today, but in this case he deserves and will get all of that from me.
There are plenty of misfits in academia and, sadly, Professor Frampton appears to be one of them.