Paying Overstay Fee At Eze At Night.


Oct 18, 2007
I'm leaving Argentina again as I've worn out my welcome and I'm in danger of falling into the dreaded lifeform of "Perma-Tourist" or as Bajo-Cero aptly labels it "Fake Tourist".

I'm leaving Tuesday night and just want to verify that the office in EZE to pay the overstay is open Tuesday night ~21:00. Anyone know if it's open and if not can I pay somewhere in the Capital beforehand?

Also, I still have a fine HP computer that is priced so much under Mercado Libre it's a steal. Dame la HP! (see the classified section - price lowered to $2700!)

Hey Joe...I would do it before you get to the airport....but Monday is a holiday!!!! I have been advised and in the past before my residence paid at the offices outside of the airport as you need to go to the bank office to pay.....
The EZE immigration counter and the bank are open 24/7 - at least it was the case up to like 3 month ago; would be weird if they changed it now. As far as I know there's also an option to pay it at Migraciones in Retiro, but I've never done that. Ahhh, and maybe they fixed their website after 4 years and it's now possible to pay overstay fees online - but this is the least likely option ;)
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You can pay it at the airport 24 hours a day. There is a banco de la nacion there that is open always open. I speak from personal experience paying at 4am
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Hey Joe, where you gonna run to?
I'm goin' way up north, way up north
Way up to Miami way, yeah
I'm goin' way up north, way up north, baby
Way up where I can be free
Ain't no one gonna mess with me there, baby
Ain't no AFIP gonna
AFIP ain't gonna put a rope, a rope around me, yeah
You better believe it, baby

Goodbye everybody
Does that mean our plethora of polls is coming to an end?!! The horror! In all seriousness - safe travels!

PS - I totally missed the end of the saga, did the matter of the missing funds get resolved at the end?
The IG saga is 80% complete.

Polling is never complete... Taking the Pulse of the BAexpat community is key to understanding life as we know it.


Is the overstay pay before security? How do you find it?
Joe-san, grand Tomodachi, is the Sayonara Buenos Aires a permanent thing? I hope not, you're coming back won't you?
Anyways, Miami is cooling to almost warm beaches now. But the Cubanas muchachas they are not, still hot and bonita too!
Is the overstay pay before security? How do you find it?

Yes, you need to pay and get your passport stamped before checking in. I think there are signs for the immigration counter (it's more on the left-hand side of the terminal, but my memory is not good enough to give a helpful description...), otherwise just ask at the information center when you enter the terminal. The bank is pretty close, too, but the immigration officers will tell you where to go.