People who write he ha hemos has etc without the "h"

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Where is the Option key on PC keyboard ? = Alt ? ( or other function ? ) Fn key plus letter does nothing in my PC

This does not work on PC’s. It’s a Mac thing.
It isn’t only accents, there’s a world of goodies all available in the same manner.
Take “curly” quotes, which Microsoft Word handles on its own but most software does not and should not. Want an double opening quotation mark? Option+[. Closing one? Shift-option-[. Same for single quote and ]. It sounds complicated, but again you commit it to muscle memory in an instant, and never want to use straight quotes again.
By the way - this, in a nutshell, is the kind of reason people like Apple products.

In my early days characters were entered as Alt 178 or similar, Alt plus numbers.

It was Alt + the character’s code in the Windows-1252 code page, commonly referred to for some reason in bygone times as the “ANSI” character set. It offered only 128 characters more than the ASCII character set, and wasn’t compatible with any code page needed to display foreign characters (Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew etc).

It’s largely obsolete today, Unicode being the standard that made true internationalization ubiquitous and easy.
This does not work on PC’s. It’s a Mac thing.
It isn’t only accents, there’s a world of goodies all available in the same manner.
Take “curly” quotes, which Microsoft Word handles on its own but most software does not and should not. Want an double opening quotation mark? Option+[. Closing one? Shift-option-[. Same for single quote and ]. It sounds complicated, but again you commit it to muscle memory in an instant, and never want to use straight quotes again.
By the way - this, in a nutshell, is the kind of reason people like Apple products.

It was Alt + the character’s code in the Windows-1252 code page, commonly referred to for some reason in bygone times as the “ANSI” character set. It offered only 128 characters more than the ASCII character set, and wasn’t compatible with any code page needed to display foreign characters (Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew etc).

It’s largely obsolete today, Unicode being the standard that made true internationalization ubiquitous and easy.

Don't want to open here a discussion here on Apple Vs. Windows...!

Well, I had committed in my muscle memory , as you say..! ALT+165 for Ñ not difficult at all you ask google and voilâ, Pretty simple..!

"The lowercase ñ can be made in the Microsoft Windows by doing Alt + 164 or ; the uppercase Ñ can be made with Alt + 165 "
Don't want to open here a discussion here on Apple Vs. Windows...!

Well, I had committed in my muscle memory , as you say..! ALT+165 for Ñ not difficult at all you ask google and voilâ, Pretty simple..!

"The lowercase ñ can be made in the Microsoft Windows by doing Alt + 164 or ; the uppercase Ñ can be made with Alt + 165 "

Hey, I had a bunch of ANSI codes memorized since I was a kid. Doesn’t compare. Don’t shoot the messenger!

Agree that no point in an OS flame war. There are certainly advantages Windows has over Mac. Just saying that entering special characters is not one of them.
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