Pesos to Dollars/Euros

Andy Ireland

Feb 1, 2011
Need advice, I have savings in Pesos here, that I have from working legally so have all the payslips. I would like to convert them into dollars or euros and get the best rate possible not the blue/black rate. I have gone to afip and they will change them if I go on a "holiday" so need to book a flight out of the country which is hassle just to convert my savings. Has anyone actually changed their pesos through afip or has gone on to Uruguay or Chile to change into dollars. I dont want here say just if someone has actually did it or actually knows the person well that did it! Did they find it to be difficult ie had to go to loads of cambios to change small amounts or asked for prove of earnings that sort of things as dont want to go and end up not being able to change them when I arrive. Thank you in advance for you help!
You're better off realizing that the dollar is worth 6.00-6.50. Go to to view the Uruguay exchange market. The best price there is 6.50. The highest hits 7.20.

I can't offer you any information on buying dollars for travel. All I can tell you is that you can only get dollars if you go to a country where dollars are the national currency. Ecuador, the U.S., etc. If you go to Uruguay or Brazil, you'll get pesos uruguayos and reais, respectively.

The AFIP also imposes limits. They tell you how much money you're going to spend. You can't just go to them and request 10,000 pesos in USD, and say you're going to Brazil for the weekend.

Good luck.
I can't offer you any personal experiences on buying dollars for travel*
The only legal way to convert them here to dollars at the official rate is if you are traveling to a country that uses dollars as its currency (ie, the US) or euros (EU). Period. No other options. And as stated, AFIP will decide how much you can convert - I believe the current figure is $100 per day you are gone. So if you go to the US for a week, you will be able to convert 3200 pesos to $700 dollars.

So unless you are traveling and have a small amount to convert, your only option is black market unfortunately.

I don't have any experience at doing over to chile or uruguay. But don't be surprised if the rate to convert them there is about equal to the blue/black market here.
If you have an Argentine credit card you can prepay those pesos into the cc and spend them abroad in usd at the official rate. You can also deposit them into a savings account at any local bank and use that debit card abroad to buy goods in usd at the official rate ( you cannot withdraw the money in usd though ). How much money are we talking here? +/-
Nik - I think the OP didn't want to travel to the US/Europe to convert, hence was looking for a "local" solution or at most, travel to a neighboring country.
Nikad are you sure you can still use an Arg. debit card abroad?
citygirl said:
Nik - I think the OP didn't want to travel to the US/Europe to convert, hence was looking for a "local" solution or at most, travel to a neighboring country.

I might have got it wrong. Unfortunately he will not be able to get usd at the official rate even if he travels ( now they give you the currency of the country you travel to ) Only way to get around this for now is using Paypal, Paxum, etc with a local cc and withdraw the money from an atm abroad once you have the debit card.
I am in New York for an extended period of time. I use my Argentine debit card to pay for everything - supermarket purchases, restaurants, theater tickets - everything. Even an office visit to my dentist.
To withdraw dollars from an ATM say in the USA with an argentine CC you must have a Dollar Account, also cannot prepay the credit card anymore. The Dollars you get to travel from AFIP must be returned if do not travel.

The rate you get for pesos in Uruguay or Chile is the same or worse as you get locally in a cueva, if you consiser the travel expenses.