I recently received permanent residency and requested my new extranjero DNI. Correo Argentino attempted to deliver it two times but I was not at home to receive it. It has been returned to the sender according to the correoargentino.com.ar website tracking. The status is "DEVUELTO AL REMITENTE".
My question is how do I know when I can go by the Jujuy office to pick up my DNI? I tried checking the status at this link: https://www.argentina.gob.ar/seguir-el-estado-de-tramite-del-dni, but it says "No se encontraron trámites". Thank you for any advice.
I recently received permanent residency and requested my new extranjero DNI. Correo Argentino attempted to deliver it two times but I was not at home to receive it. It has been returned to the sender according to the correoargentino.com.ar website tracking. The status is "DEVUELTO AL REMITENTE".
My question is how do I know when I can go by the Jujuy office to pick up my DNI? I tried checking the status at this link: https://www.argentina.gob.ar/seguir-el-estado-de-tramite-del-dni, but it says "No se encontraron trámites". Thank you for any advice.