"piropo Grosero" Will Be Subject To A Fine In Caba


Jun 6, 2005
Street "compliment" of a vulgar nature....

7 December 2016

The Legislature approved on Wednesday afternoon a new law that sanctions street sexual harassment "which affects the dignity and the right to the physical or moral integrity of the person". Those who commit the harassment will be punished with fines of up to $1000 pesos and the legislation establishes penalties of up to 10 days of community service.......

.....According to the new law, verbal or physical sexual harassment is a "unidirectional, physical or verbal conduct, produced by one or more persons against others, based on their gender, identity and sexual orientation which are unsolicited or reject as they consider these conducts to affect their rights to dignity and integrity".......
Will have to exercise restraint ... men can also file a complaint for unwanted compliments ??? :cool:
........"which affects the dignity and the right to the physical or moral integrity of the PERSON".......
According to another report in the same source, Macri, when he was mayor of BA said 'Women love it when you tell them what a nice ass they've got.'
And later 'The women who say they're offended by wolf whistles? I don't believe a word of it.'
Mind you, that was 2014 and for expedience sake he may have now changed his views.
This runs deep in Argentine culture where political correctness is practically non existent, thank heavens.
One has to ask whether wolf whistling is a precursor to a physical attack on a woman.
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]Gringoboy.....Mind you, that was 2014 and for expedience sake he may have now changed his views.[/background]

The call from one of his daughters made Macri reconsider back in 2014. He immediately apologized thru the media for the controversial statement.

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]I don't consider wolf whistling in itself to be offensive, as long as it not accompanied by a vulgar phrase. [/background]
RodolfoWalsh......[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]that seems awfully subjective.[/background][background=rgb(252, 252, 252)] [/background]

Good point. It will be up to the judge to make the determination.

The article published by La Nacion expands on the reach of this law.

[font=proxima_nova_rgregular]7 December 2016[/font]

...."Sexual comments, direct or indirect about the body, photographs and recordings without consent of intimate parts, improper physical contact without consent, persecution, cornering, masturbation and exhibitionism"....

The burden of proof and means of enforcement are aspects to consider as well. Need to wait until the text of the law, as well as its regulations, is published in the Boletin Oficial.
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