Just a side note to those who say ´it depends how far up your ass your head is´. Anybody can get robbed, anywhere, and in ANY neighborhood. I am one of the most aware people out there, but I´ve had some bad luck, and have gotten mugged twice here - both times in Palermo, during the day. That´s why I say it´s bad luck, and my advice is to live wherever you like, given its not, you know, extremely dangerous, because most places aren´t as dangerous as paranoid foreigners make them out to be. Especially considering that you can and DO get robbed in Palermo and Recoleta, too!
Now, my advice is also to never, never carry a lot of valueable stuff on you unless absolutely necessary, and that way you reduce the risk of losing something very important. A money belt, or even just your socks or bra, is a good place for 100 peso bills. Don´t foolishly carry your passport around. Be prepared to buy at least one replacement cell phone if you plan on living here for many years (the statistics just arent favorable!) All that said, enjoy your area and enjoy your time! Getting robbed is unfortunate, but also unfortunately it´s a reality here and almost impossible to prevent 100%, unless you are extremely rich and can afford to go everywhere by taxi all the time (which isn´t even 100% safe, as we all know).