I know that traditionally local travel agencies arrange charters flights to Cuba, which are very convenient, time and money saving speaking
Hey guys,

So I just got back from Cuba and was able to change my dollars at the airport through Nacion Bank...shewwww disaster averted. And it was a good thing because in some places that change money, they were charging an additional 20% to sell dollars for CUC (others only charged 10% extra), whereas the Euro was flat. Euros is the way to do it...

My gfriend booked the trip through a travel agency and we wound up flying through Lima and into Habana. I had a great time down there, but it was def an eye opening experience.

Happy travels.........
- but don't bring Euros to Argentina, the exchange rate is horrible.

1 Euro = US$ 1.42 and US$ 1.00 = AR$ 4.04
1.42 x 4.04 = 5.73 but the rate in Argentina is 1 Euro = AR$ 5.50 so you loose 23 centavos on each Euro.
We made that mistake, afterall for us is was better to go with dollars rather than euros.