Please Tell Me About Telos...

Don't think the law about the telo not being within 100m of place of worship is upheld (as reported in wander article). There's a new church on Independencia just across the road from several telos! Maybe they're trying to attract more churchgoers.

If a new church sets up near a pre-existing telo, that is a different matter. The law says that a new telo can't be opened near a place of worship, not the other way around.

Thank you very much Gringo! That article was written by Rosie Hilder, who between her music and writing is the most talented expat here that I know.
If by chance one reservation your husband is having is expects it to be very seedy or dangerous - I had this preconception as well. Being from the US, pretty much any hotel that you can rent by the hour is going to be a seedy rat trap, a place for prostitutes and "Third rate romance low rent rendezvous". Here in BA it's quite the opposite - they tend to be very clean, with creative ambiance, and part of the reason there's a market for this is that everybody here lives with their extended family and they need to get away sometimes - so a committed couple will be just as at home there as anyone else.
And I used to think that we Brits had an open and liberal attitude towards sex.
The idea of starting a chain of telos in the home counties would have the blue rinse brigade choking on their cucumber sandwiches.