Poker Night?

G_C I'm trying to send you the info via PM but it is not giving me the option to. Either you chose not to enable them or you are too new to the forum???? You have an email I can send to?? or if you don't want to post, have Brandon forward the info to you??? Let me know!
Great game last night guys! Thanks for hosting Magis! Lots of fun even though its a bullshit game! ha.
It's all Joe Blow's fault..... This will be done again with a smaller buyin and longer blinds! Better believe it. Cleaning lady was workin ovatime this morning. Place was spotless when I woke up.
We had a game last Wednesday. Not to worry, we will have another and you will be invited!!
As the CitiBank says when you're trying to pull pesos out... "I'm working On it"
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