Portenos Keep Deposits

I am one, but thanks for being so condescending. Why so angry?
A&A said:
I am one, but thanks for being so condescending. Why so angry?


Did the capital letters make it look like I was shouting ? Sorry if that was the case. Not angry, just tired of posting redundant data.

And I meant ask an Argentinian lawyer who is well versed in Argentinian real estate law. I have, and this is the information I have received.
I've always been payed back my deposit here. However, the laws protect renters. If the owner or the landlord doesn't shop up on your last day, don't move out. Many of my friend's here have apartments and at one time or another they renter stopped paying rent and made up some excuse that they lost their job or had an illness and can't pay anymore. It always ends up going to court and takes years to get the renter out. They can't evict you like they can in other countries.
nlaruccia said:
I've always been payed back my deposit here. However, the laws protect renters. If the owner or the landlord doesn't shop up on your last day, don't move out. Many of my friend's here have apartments and at one time or another they renter stopped paying rent and made up some excuse that they lost their job or had an illness and can't pay anymore. It always ends up going to court and takes years to get the renter out. They can't evict you like they can in other countries.

This only applies if you have a two year contract with a guarantia. These are the only contracts that the law covers and protects. Short term rental contracts fall under a different category.