Possible Changes For "permatourists" Who Want Osde

I think you should sue them. The way is through an amparo de salud that is a fast remedy to enforce your re-entry.
The law says:

"Las enfermedades preexistentes solamente pueden establecerse a partir de la declaración jurada del usuario y no pueden ser criterio
del rechazo de admisión de los usuarios".

While the immigration law guaranties medical services for foreigners no matter their legal status.

In an ideal world this might work, but to sue them you have to spend money, and a lot of time. Not worth it if you can shop around imho. I would just report them to Consumer´s Defense for free.
Hi Bajo_cero2, could you please tell me the names (numbers?) of those laws? I will memorize them word for word before I go back to OSDE. I just love being able to spit this stuff out in their faces when they think I'm a dumb foreigner who doesn't know how things work here. Well, actually I didn't know how things worked, but I'm going to go back armed and ready. Ah, feels like old times...

I doesn´t work out like that. You have to sue them.

When you say "declaración jurada," that definitely wouldn't be what I did today, right? I'm honestly considering going to a different OSDE office to try to become a socio and just not say anything about my pre-existing condition. Pretty sure once I get coverage I can just go back to my old doctor and say, "Hey, remember me? Write me a prescription!" Ugh, that is totally what I should have done to begin with.

If you lie, they can cancel the contract and guess what? they can evidence that you lie because they have your medical history.
In an ideal world this might work, but to sue them you have to spend money, and a lot of time. Not worth it if you can shop around imho. I would just report them to Consumer´s Defense for free.

Amparo de salud takes maximum 6 months but you can ask to be accepted meanwhile.
I don't want to make myself miserable attempting to sue OSDE when I'm still bitter about my three-year-old case against LAN that is probably still sitting on the shelf at the Defensa del Consumidor, not to mention I'm in the middle of the bureaucratic nightmare that is trying to move my family to the U.S. I simply don't have the energy or money for more paperwork. I'm going to get my updated clinical history, go back to OSDE with that and the knowledge that I definitely don't need a DNI/them not taking someone with a pre-existing condition is illegal, and if they try to make me jump through hoops I'll just go elsewhere. Thank you all for the advice. I really appreciate it!
I don't want to make myself miserable attempting to sue OSDE when I'm still bitter about my three-year-old case against LAN that is probably still sitting on the shelf at the Defensa del Consumidor, not to mention I'm in the middle of the bureaucratic nightmare that is trying to move my family to the U.S. I simply don't have the energy or money for more paperwork. I'm going to get my updated clinical history, go back to OSDE with that and the knowledge that I definitely don't need a DNI/them not taking someone with a pre-existing condition is illegal, and if they try to make me jump through hoops I'll just go elsewhere. Thank you all for the advice. I really appreciate it!

very sad.