Pre- Natal Treatment (Swimming, Yoga)


Apr 19, 2012

My wife is 6 months pregnant and experiencing some bad back pain. Three things have been recommended to us.

1) swimming for pregnant women
2) yoga for pregnant women
3) pre-natal massage

Does anyone have any positive experiances with any places or peoplearound bsas for any of these things? For what its worth, we live in Belgrano and would be happy to either have someone come to the house or to go to good places for these activities.


Any help is appreciated!
I took prenatal swim classes through Embarazo Activo

The classes I took were at the Megatalon in Nuñez on Libertador but they have other locations as well. I started around 6 months as well and continued for 2 months, and the last month I just swam on my own at my gym. It's a bit expensive (around 630 pesos/month for 2x/week), but I thought it was really worth it. Classes were at 4pm on Mon and Wed.
I've read that going to a chiropractor during pregnancy on a regular basis for adjustments can make a huge difference for women. There is research that says that it can shorten labor up to a few hours, as well as relieve common pregnancy discomforts. Toward the end of pregnancy, if your baby is breech, many chiropractors manage to successfully turn the baby to the correct position using gentle, routine adjustments.

I found this guy practices in Buenos Aires:

I encourage you to research it!
Hi there,
When I was pregnant, I attended classes of 'esferodinamia' with Dr Marta Jauregui. It was group classes dedicated to pregnant women (many tango teachers go to her), that help ease (and remove) back pain through different exercises and positions on big gymnastic balls. Towards the end of pregnancy, she organized couples classes so that partners can connect with the baby inside the tummy and can learn how to assist the woman once labour starts (through gentle massages and specific positions that help reduce pain during contractions)
On top of being very helpful classes there was also a sense of intimacy sharing those couples classes with my partner.
I HIGHLY recommend getting in touch with Dr Marta:
[email protected]
You can mention that you contact her on my behalf (Johanna), especially if you don't speak Spanish (she can speak a bit if English)
She also has a Facebook page called 'esferointegracion' which gives info on general gymnastic classes that she organizes.
All the best and congratulations to the parents to be!
I had a great prenatal yoga teacher, who is also an expert in postnatal care and baby massage. I used to call her the baby whisperer because she saved my sanity more than once. She is Argentine but speaks excellent English.
Her website is, her name is Silvana. I can't recommend her highly enough. She is worth every peso I paid her and more.
And just in case you haven't already been told a hundred times, a really good trick for relieving the back pain is have your wife lie down on her side (with all the pillows she needs to make her comfy) and you roll a tennis ball on her back with gentle pressure. Absolutely wonderful.
Other things I did were sleep with a pillow under my belly and another between my legs (no fun in January in BA) and finally I had to buy a tummy brace (to not want to say girdle) from farmacity that wraps around the hips and tummy and puts the weight onto the hips instead of the lower back.