Predictions for 2011

Davidglen77 said:
I predict empanadas will cost $5 pesos each and people are gonna flip out about it.

Empanadas ALREADY cost 5 pesos at some restaurants. It's way to much for a hot pocket.
Cristina will not seek re election.

I do believe that if the wind appears to be blowing the wrong way, she will bow out as the "grieving widow" and then it will be a scramble for the top of the ant hill.
dennisr said:
Cristina will not seek re election.

You might be right, but she could run and pick a trusted crony as a running mate. Once she wins and is sworn in she resigns a week or two later in favor of the crony. The object being that the crony will not pursue her for the ill gotten gains from the K's years in office. She'll spend her declining years on shopping trips to Europe and spending the loot they accumulated. I will predict that she will not be in power after first month or two of 2012 regardless of the election outcome.
va2ba said:
Empanadas ALREADY cost 5 pesos at some restaurants. It's way to much for a hot pocket.

You´re right, at some restaurants and high end confiterías they cost $5 pesos. I kind of meant the typical ones that you pick up at a pizza shop, plain old masa and plain old relleno. When those hit $5 pesos, we are in trouble.
I predict I am going to have an interesting time settling into my apartment and new life in Belgrano when I get down there at the beginning of February - and that there will be lots more predictions on this thread before the year is over ;)
I further predict that this bottle of chivas regal I have nearly finished is going to have an effect on me in the morning - and might result in a slight headache :) lol BTW - HOW much for a bottle of Chivas down there ? I have a feeling I *won't* be able to afford Laphroaig or Lagavulin or Ardbeg etc... :) lol
Johnno said:
I further predict that this bottle of chivas regal I have nearly finished is going to have an effect on me in the morning - and might result in a slight headache :) lol BTW - HOW much for a bottle of Chivas down there ? I have a feeling I *won't* be able to afford Laphroaig or Lagavulin or Ardbeg etc... :) lol

The link below will give you an idea. Some places may be a bit less or more. The selection of the imported stuff is pretty limited. You can see that Teachers is cheap. I would try it, it's not bad. I was told that they import it in bulk and then bottle it locally which makes it a lot less than some of the other brands.
I can do teachers if I have to - got to be better than Old Smuggler - although I confess I was starting to get a taste for it after a couple of weeks :) Even so - it ain't exactly ''whisky'' :) lol
Talking about predictions (and alcohol:) - I predict a major party coming up in Belgrano at the beginning of February - any takers ? :)