
"Si tu diffères de moi, mon frère, loin de me léser, tu m'enrichis"
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
How many walls of text have you written about me bro ? I think my personal life means alot to you.

Choripán said:
Hmmm ... 6.48 posts per day since joining in May. I'd say this forum means a lot to you!

No I am not, but why exactly are you even worried about my sexuality ? I think that is what is most creepy here.

Choripán said:
though he is super sensitive to questions about his sexuality.

I've actually never beaten up on an old lady so what exactly are you talking about ?

Choripán said:
Beating up on a bunch of old ladies never helped anyone

There actually isn't any argument here. Just people like them and now yourself thinking that calling me a " loser " an " old woman beater " " gay " and any other number of adjectives is pretty much OKAY as long as they then say I have issues while simultaneously playing the victim card.

Choripán said:
you aren't exactly winning the argument). Maybe as an alternative to old ladies you could find a random hobo to assault?

You don't even know me in person to say any of this. What " ostentatious displays of wealth ? Oh right I forgot, you dont need any qualifiers, as long as you are negatively or back handedly trying to attack me.

Choripán said:
(ostentatious displays of wealth, extreme violence, in-your-face criticism) it might make you feel better.

Now read some context

LAtoBA said:
To be fair, and so that this thread doesn't entirely deteriorate into a "We hate Alex thread" he wasn't posting to himself. Several members made the thread about him. I think if 4,5,or 6 people in a thread began criticizing your character you would probably get defensive too, whether the criticism is warranted or not.
So hows the gypsy deporting going in France ?

Maybe if Argentina did the same with their poor illegals, we would not have all these " price " or " inflation " threads.

French jurist said:
"Si tu diffères de moi, mon frère, loin de me léser, tu m'enrichis"
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
AlexfromLA said:
By they I am guessing you mean you right ?

Old ladies like myself don't bother to hide anything. But insecure young people sometimes need to hide their dark side and put up a false front in order to be accepted. So, they are the ones who posture and pretend.

We of the geriatric set don't need to do that any longer - we know who we are, and are comfortable with ourselves. Age can be very liberating.
So basically you are saying you are just as nasty in person as you are online.

SaraSara said:
We old ladies don't bother to hide anything anymore - that's one of the beauties of aging.
There you go, attacking me again. What's your problem?

For a long while I gave you the benefit of the doubt, thinking that you were just young and ignorant, but now I see that there's a mean, vicious streak there that leaps out every so often.

I'm sorry to see you are so obviously unhappy, but please find another way to vent your misery and resentment. This is getting tiresome.

By the way, I probably should thank you for the support mails I got after you attacked me for the mortal sin of being sixty-five.

Imagine...! A SIXTY FIVE year-old daring to post in the same forum you post...! What's the world coming to...!:D:D:D:D
what kind of drivel is this ?

You take every opportunity to attack me on this forum and then you say " hey it was just jokes, you take things too personal " or some other bullshit of the same nature.

And then, when I actually reply to your bullshit taunts, you play the victim.

I don't know anything about your personal life nor do I presume to, because that would be stupid of me. This is obviously alot more than I can say about a hateful old bag like you.

So if you find any of this truly tiresome I guess I won't have to read a reply.


SaraSara said:
There you go, attacking me again. What's your problem?

For a long while I gave you the benefit of the doubt, thinking that you were just young and ignorant, but now I see that there's a mean, vicious streak there that leaps out every so often.

I'm sorry to see you are so obviously unhappy, but please find another way to vent your misery and resentment. This is getting tiresome.

By the way, I probably should thank you for the support mails I got after you attacked me for the mortal sin of being sixty-five.

Imagine...! A SIXTY FIVE year-old daring to post in the same forum you post...! What's the world coming to...!:D:D:D:D
AlexfromLA said:
a hateful old bag like you.

The hateful old bag must have touched a nerve.

Thanks for proving my point about your hidden vicious streak. It just surfaced in all its ugliness.
