Private School Has Failed My Family

Um, sergio, I think that the OP meant to say that one of the parents is Argentine and the other one is Anglo. No matter what, I think he/she can seek advice anywhere?
Rickullvi - do you spend time around children? I'm pretty damn strict with my kids but guess what, they're kids. They get whiny sometimes and yes, sometimes have temper tantrums. That's just the reality. My kids are 95% of the time super well-behaved but sometimes, they're not for any number of reasons. Now if that happens and I'm somewhere, I remove them from the situation b/c I don't think that behavior is acceptable in public. That being said - it happens to every single parent/child.

I respect teachers. I expect my children to treat teachers (and everyone else) with respect. But 2 meltdowns in a year (not in a day or even week or month), in a 5 YO to boot, hardly indicates a behavioral problem.
Um, sergio, I think that the OP meant to say that one of the parents is Argentine and the other one is Anglo. No matter what, I think he/she can seek advice anywhere?

The term "Anglo-Argentine" refers to the descendants of the British who settled in Argentina, generally in the 19th and early 20th centuries. It's a well established group in the country with a major infrastructure. That's why I was surprised to see the request for advice on this forum. Of course anyone can post here.
Sorry to hear about the problems. Are there no Monsessori or similar alternative schools near? These are better anyway in my view.

Not wanting to hijack the thread, but are your children Argentina nationals? What is the legal sistuation for homeschooling? I would love to home/worldschool mine, but thought going to school was mandatory? How di you do this legally?

Many thanks.

They are Argentine (born here) but I am from the USA. It is legal to homeschool, but your children must take open exams once a year in Palermo. Many Argentine families are opting for this now, so it's perfectly legal. They are making the exams more difficult, but if you get the information about what to prepare for, it shouldn't be a problem. The exams are in Spanish of course, so there's that if your kids can't speak Spanish.