Protecting apt from robbery

Shopping for insurance, avoid package policies. They never have the coverage you need - probably high on fire coverage and low on theft of electronics, for example. Talk with an agent, who should visit your apartment and suggest limits of coverage and deductibles. Everything is negotiable, including price to a limited degree.

I use La Segunda, and I've had reasonably good service from them.
Thanks. We're just renting the apartment for a few months, so I'm not sure installing a security system is really an option. Just wondering if there's any obvious things to do (leave lights on, get home insurance) that are relatively low cost but still effective.
light timers are readily available and simple enough to put in when you are not at home. as for actual protection, a mean ass dog (mine just licks anyone coming through the door, but is a good early warning system!), pepper sprays and even electric volt stun guns may make you feel safer.
Best insurance is to have nothing worth stealing.
My computor is so old if they broke in they would probably leave me theirs in sympathy :D
Of course there is some furniture, but dropping it three floors would probably render it worthless. Have some nice tango shoes though:cool:
For Canadians still having a permanant address in Canada:

TD insurance reimbursed my stolen electronics, prescription glasses and whatnot as well as 600USD$ cash which I told them truthfully that I had in my daypack. Quick reimbursement , no receipts asked, just a police report. I thought it would be like pulling teeth filing a claim but they said I qualified for some sort of quick claim settlement option. I was impressed, to say the least.
My apartment in Recoleta was broken into, but I am completely convinced the Portero was behind it, or rather his daughter. We had fired her as a cleaning lady a few months before and we left on New Years Eve carrying lot´s of food (i.e. we´ll be out all night). The door looked jimmied at first glance, but was not, the theif had the key´s. Get´s harder to defend against a neighbour!!

If there are multiple breakins in the building, there is probably an unauthorized key floating around. The consorcio's Administrador should arrange to change the lock on the entrance door immediately.

Call the admin office, tell them there have been 2 apartment robberies in X days, and the lock needs to be changed ASAP. If you don't know the adminstrador, ask the encargado for the number or address. Or press your landlord on this.
I'd worry much more about protecting yourselves if at home during a robbery than being insured. By the time you pay the deductible, they'd have to get a lot for you to recover.
Protection and insurance are two different things. I'd focus on prevention, unless of course you have rather valuable belongings.

Leaving a light or radio on might help, but if the robbers are casing and know how many people live there and who is out, it may not help. If you can, invest in a good lock and deadbolt... though if you're short term renting, I suppose that's not an option. You can also leave the key turned in the keyhole so at least it isn't possible to open the door with another key from the outside (and makes it more difficult to pick), though that only works when you're at home.

Have some sort of plan in case you do get broken into while at home.... easy access to phones, some type of protection, etc. And make sure to leave your balcony doors and windows closed and locked as well especially if you're not going to be home.