The guy is a despicable excuse for a human being let alone being President of the United States. How anyone claiming to be a good old blue collar white boy could support this sorry excuse for a human being is beyond me. Anyone thinking he has your best interest at heart because he wears some stupid fucking baseball cap is insane. You are like moths being drawn to an open flame.
Trump, being born with a silver spoon up his ass (privileged class $$$) was able to obtain a medical different (bone spurs) to avoid sending his dead ass off to Vietnam. Though getting a deferment was not all that unusual during those turbulent times. I have talked with many a person who had similar experiences (draft deferment). They all say "it does/did effect their thinking about the war and to a person, they all respected and have empathy for those who did do their time sitting in some hell hole rice paddy. However, not our President. This pussy ass draft dodger found it humorous to call out Senator John McCain for being captured and spending five years in a P.O.W. camp. No matter what any one thinks about the Vietnam War and all its inequalities and horrors, I cannot comprehend anyone making light of some poor soul having to spending five years in a prisoner of war camp: Hanoi Hilton. Trump equated his Vietnam to avoiding getting the clap: STD. What a piece of shit. The whole Trump/McCain thing spoke volumes to me about what this sorry excuse for a human being is all about, Trump.