Public Breatsfeeding…

Breastfeeding in public is one of those areas in which the so called developing world leads the so called 'west' by a country mile. I do feel western attitudes, or should I say anglo saxon puritanical attitudes especially on this subject are in the main, backwards!

Its good to see the Argentine attitude to breastfeeding is healthy. Lets face it, its the most natural of things to do, its for the benefit of the child, and its the natural function of breasts......just to add it is not natures way to have them exposed on page 3 of 'The Sun'!.....the Brits on board will know what that means. To the ladies on this thread who choose to breastfeed, more power to you. To anyone who disagrees with breastfeeding in public, you can't negotiate with a baby who is hungry and I would say from the posts from mums that are nursing they are discreet, so for pity sake get over it.
Meanwhile, back in the USA...
Well you don't get any more prudish than me and I think what we see in Argentina is a lot more healthy than attitudes in some other places. I was amazed not long after I came to see a very well dressed young woman on the subway nursing a two-year-old. For me it's one more reason to say, "Viva Argentina!"
I wouldn't call anyone a hypocrite--it was just on the graphic already. But I think that when we hear men talking about breastfeeding a baby like 7th grade boys sneaking peeks at a risque photo, that's indicative of the culture, It's a U.S. phenomenon I think, because for many years women didn't breastfeed in the States. At least not in Miami where I grew up. It was so rare that when my best friend and I were both pregnant at the same time, I influenced her to breastfeed and our mutual friend shunned us thinking we were doing something wrong. The three of us had been friends for years but after that she had nothing to do with us. And I'm NOT making that up. That was the state breastfeeding had sunk to in Miami. Women were brainwashed into thinking it was demeaning. Might not have happened in the mountains of Tennessee, I don't know, but it sure did in Florida! I might not have breastfed but my father was very health oriented and taught us the advantages to the baby.

There are 3 boys and 3 girls in my family. All of us were breastfed, and all of us sisters breastfed and all of my sisters-in-law breastfed. And we didn't breastfeed for 6 weeks either. If the baby doesn't get teeth until six months he (or she) wasn't meant to eat before then. Most kids will wean normally by age 3. One of mine nursed for 9 months, the other for two years. I don't think any of the males in my family would think anything at all about it or even think of making comments. In our family it's the culture, as it appears to be the culture here. We are just talking here about feeding a baby!

I just saw the photo above. Hahahahahaha! I love i! :D