I would like to quickly report on my experience there. I am fairly new to buenos aires and have just started learning Spanish. So, I choose Queenies because their website is also in English assuming they will be willing and able to mumble a few necessary words in English and they wanted foreigners. Both assumptions were incorrect. I have now lived on four continents and in six global metropolitans and receive a manicure and pedicure every 3-4 weeks. I can compare services and prices with back ally Korean places in new York and ultra pampering in Dubai. And I have to say I left Queenies completely angry and disappointed. A pedicure and medicine tool three hrs. Yes, three. It was torturous. As stated above in another comment I had to basically do Pilates moves in order for me to have the pedicure holding my leg in the air for 5-10 minutes as a time. It was not relaxing and enjoyable. My nail tec was sweet but very tired and kept yawning and massaging her own shoulda. I felt like I was doing her harm by going there. Poor girl. Nevertheless as all the other women were offered lovely coffees, cappuccinos, cortados, etc
I was offered nothing. For the entire three hours. The manager on duty was very unfriendly and was he reason everything took so long. In case someone wis interested in the cutting practices etc. they cut so much of the cuticle that my hands were extremely dry for days. Its my fault of course I should have stopped her. I wasn't looking as I was too just making eye contact wih the other girls hoping I'd get that coffee after all.
At the end I could use here drying machines because two 19 yr old girls who popped in for a quick polish grabbed them. I was told to just sit and wait. I expected after paying the same amount for a ped/man as I do in Paris that they would be willing to go get one of those little machines from the back plug it in and help me out a little seeing I was the person there the longest! No. Of course not. So I left with wet nails. Happy to leave and never come back. I've never had such an experience before. It's very disappointing. But for that price I would rather pay 50 pesos more and go to a lovely place in recoletta. A place where the customers are actually treated like Queenies.