Question About Hsbc, Dollars And Credit Cards

As I understand it, there's no need for dollars to pay this off. It wouldn't make sense for them to be demanding dollars anyway. But because we're in Argentina, I thought I'd ask.

Thanks again everyone for your responses.
Hey, No there is no special reason why it is done like this. I operate with 3 banks and they all do the same. These are regulations passed by the central bank. There is no reason why she should be ever asked to pay for this in dollars. But I try to pay in pesos cos it is cheaper in general. Also, the exchange rate the bank is going to apply to pay pay off for these dollars is the one that is current when the credit card is due, and not the one at the time of purchasing the tickets, so if in the meantime there is a mini devaluation he will end up paying more than if the whole deal was done in pesos.

Another pregunta -- I know LaMarque has said that the pesification is automatic, generally once the monthly billing period ends, if I understood correctly. However, from your personal experience (with HSBC, if you bank with them), have you ever had to explicitly request that the dollar balance be liquidated into pesos?