Question for Americans:Voting?

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I mailed my Absentee Ballot through Correo Argentina on Feb 4 and it was received today (2 weeks for delivery) for the March 15 primary in Illinois. The County Clerk notified me by email.

Just wanted to let US voters how much time the mail takes.
Dear Janis,

Voting in the Democrats Abroad Global Presidential Primary began a few hours ago when Americans in Wellington, New Zealand went to the polls just after midnight on March 1 to herald the beginning of Super Tuesday. The poll results are on our website –

You too can join in the Super Tuesday excitement by voting now, through remote voting from our website.

Just go to and download your ballot. Then fill it in and mail, fax, or email it back, and your vote will be counted. It’s your choice who you vote for and it’s your choice how you vote in the Democrats Abroad primary.

We have great candidates (so much better than the guys on the other side) – and if you still haven’t made up your mind or just want to know more about them, go check out the candidates' pages on our website under News/Our Candidates. There you’ll find candidate videos aimed at Democrats abroad, their answers to OUR questions about OUR issues as Americans living overseas - FATCA, RBT, Medicare and more.

The Democrats Abroad Global Presidential Primary runs through March 8th, but don’t wait. Vote NOW! Just go to, download your ballot and vote. And after you vote let us know by tweeting us your voting selfies at @demsabroad or posting them on Facebook with the hashtag #GlobalPrimary.

Yours democratically,

Will Bakker
Co-chair Global Presidential Primary Committee
its pretty easy with voting in the US. I am a registrared republican in Arizona. I vote in the primary election for trump and then Hillary wins the general election with no restrictions on party lines. bet the line in britania
the Clintons are from the banking industria. glass stingle changed his last year in office. bill took his money later through his charidy but balanced the budget while In office.
different politics with different laws. I am going to bed, dolce suenos
American voters have got their work cut out for them this year, no mistake.
Quite a spectacle. Decency and civility does not seem to be part of the American fabric. Feel like crawling in a hole and hide somewhere.

If you have already voted in the Global Presidential Primary, Thank you! Please skip to #2.

#1) If you haven't voted yet, you have 12 hours left. Vote now. Here is why and how:

Democrats Abroad is fighting to make sure that overseas voters have a voice in our democracy. Hundreds of volunteers work year in and out to ensure that our priorities and our international perspectives are not ignored. With 8.7 million Americans living abroad, we could speak with a much louder voice-- but only if we - you and me - vote.

Voting is easy.

1.Download a ballot here:
2.Fill it out (your membership number is 73026, don't forget to include your overseas address and sign and date the ballot)
3. Vote for the candidate of your choice.
4.Scan it or take a clear photo with your smartphone
5.Email it to or upload it using the form here:

#2 Now that you have voted, get your friends to vote. Send them to to become a member if they aren't yet, then send them to to get their ballot.
We matter only when we demonstrate our strength at the ballot box. We have already blown past our voting numbers from 2008, but lag significantly behind voters in the U.S.

Help your U.S. friends, family, colleagues and neighbors vote before it is too late.

Remember, the deadline for sending in your ballot by email is midnight (CET) on March 8.

Vote now before it is too late.

Democratically yours,

Alex Montgomery
Communications Director and Regional Vice-Chair for Asia-Pacific
Democrats Abroad
The votes were counted for the Global Presidential Primary and Bernie Sanders won.
Pat yourself on the back. Bernie will drop out shortly, seeing how he's number 2 everywhere that actually matters.
Pat yourself on the back. Bernie will drop out shortly, seeing how he's number 2 everywhere that actually matters.
Spoken like a true Hillary hopeful.
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