I have to disagree with you on this whole notion. I guess in a country where the white population is minor, if you are white you stand out and for instance you are of more value among your peers. Here in Argentina is different, you are correct in this concept, but only because almost everyone is white, so by being white you do not stand out at all, and for instance you are not considered better than your peers.
About the whole european hertiage subject, you are correct also, we are usually fixated on our root, not whether it is european or not (that would not make sense since pretty much almost all of us has it one way or another) but on which part of europe is your heritage from and that is because it kinna defines you a little bit, at least in terms everyday forlklore. If you are of italian heritage you can say you are more stubborn than say someone of german heritage...we know it´s not a certain truth, but sometimes we have fun playing with this notion. (ese flaco es re cabezadura, y claro, es tano ! eheh). Also, we are very traditional here, we always were and always will be, and part of that involves your heritage traditions, you cannot escape it, it becomes a mixture of our argentine traditions and our european heritage tradition. That´s why both a jewish argentian and a german argentinian will have asados as often as possible and play futbol and go to the cancha, but the one would also celebrate hanuka while the other will not.
Among ourselves, we do not inquiry what is your heritage, most times the person´s last name is enough to make that assumption

If you ask a foreigner what is his heritage is because we would find it intersting that dispite the fact im argentinian and you are american, we may actually have things in common culturally speaking (eg: italian american vs italian argentinian), it is a way to try to relate to other cultures (when dealing with other latin americans, we will focus on our latin similarities with the same intention). The ones obsessed with our european heritage per se seem to be you guys most of the time, you keep bringing this subject over and over every chance you have and always in a derogative way..kinna like saying..argentinians think they are supperior because the think they european. For a local that never interacts with foreigners (your average joe here) this notion is nonsense, it doesnt even exist and also give the idea that we value more our eurpean heritage than our being argentinian ! this is completaly nonsense staright up. Absolutaley no one here will say im italian or irish instead of argentinian. You will never hear that, specially when abroad, you will most definately say your are argentinian and probably then provide a description of how good it is to be one (a bit cocky i guess, but you cannot say we would deny our nationality), and if it comes up, you may then mention your heritage if you feel you may find something in common with the other person.
There´s a couple of notions about us that usually bothers foreigners and i still cannot figure out why:
Most argentinians have eurpean heritage (from all over europe).
All argentians are extremaly proud of being argentinians (whether it is correct or not to be so it´s a differnt story)
i guess these two notions get in conflict with two preconceptions americans-europeans have about latin america:
1) everyone in latin america is brown
2) everyone in latin america thinks of americans-europeans as the best thing ever happend to humanity
They find that these two preconceptions do not apply here and i guess that´s why it bothers you so much.
I´d like to clarify that not all american-europeans feel this way of course and that i agree than in many areas it is actually true that americans-europeans are better or way better in many things they do