I hope it is OK that I am opening a new thread, because my question is a little different: the other thread was about whether expats should feel free to openly criticize the politics of their new country, while my question is the following: Do you feel comfortable expressing opinions under your full name on public social media?
Twitter is my preferred social media platform, and I tweet using my full name and real photo. I follow Norwegian politics closely and tweet about that, and participate in discussions with other Norwegians. I also tweet about Argentina in Norwegian. In addition, I tweet in Spanish about Argentina, lately a lot about politics, most (all, really) of it very critical of the current government and the way the whole Nisman situation has been handled. But it just struck me: is that bad? Not from the ethical perspective (which the previous thread discussed) but from a selfish perspective: could this possibly hurt my residency process, for instance? I got my precaria in December through work and am waiting for DNI. Maybe I am being paranoid, but I really don't want any trouble, or have my residency not approved... Any thoughts? (And yes, it sounds a little presumptuous to think that someone has time to google me and each applicant to see what they write online, but, well, who knows...)
Twitter is my preferred social media platform, and I tweet using my full name and real photo. I follow Norwegian politics closely and tweet about that, and participate in discussions with other Norwegians. I also tweet about Argentina in Norwegian. In addition, I tweet in Spanish about Argentina, lately a lot about politics, most (all, really) of it very critical of the current government and the way the whole Nisman situation has been handled. But it just struck me: is that bad? Not from the ethical perspective (which the previous thread discussed) but from a selfish perspective: could this possibly hurt my residency process, for instance? I got my precaria in December through work and am waiting for DNI. Maybe I am being paranoid, but I really don't want any trouble, or have my residency not approved... Any thoughts? (And yes, it sounds a little presumptuous to think that someone has time to google me and each applicant to see what they write online, but, well, who knows...)