re-post argentina v nice please

Chematuco is someone, I assume American, who had a blog for a while. I read his blog a couple of times and found it boring and decided that whoever he was, he was someone I did not particularly want to meet. I think his blog has been taken down.

Apparently tanghetto is convinced that Realba and Chematuco are one and the same, so s/he is determined to attack him for all the Sins Against Argentina Committed by Chematuco.

So s/he is trying to "out" him and refuses to accept the fact that s/he has made a mistake.

Not that Chematauco's hostility could possibly compare to Tanghetto's ...

Bj rutlege u assue too much and make a comment with not checking the facts.
Chematuca said he was from england confirmed many times by the blog which spent time only make fun of argentine people .
He is the one above I am 100 percent sure