Hello There!
Here's what I think...
bapak said:
Does ba need a "good" real mexican restaurant.
I don't know if BA does, but I do!
bapak said:
Probably not like in California, but there might be enough estranjeros to "float the boat". Argentinos (with a very few exeptions) don't like spicy food, and almost never eat anything even the least bit "picante".
That's why Argentine Mexican food is like Mexican Baby food! Theh know about Guacamole and Margaritas, but when it comes to salsa forget it!
However, that being said, they seem to like America-sounding restaurants (Kansas, Montana, Tucson, Dallas, Starbucks, MickeyD's) so ya never know. Call it "TexMex" or "SanDiego Slim's" and maybe you'll hit the bulls eye!
bapak said:
Do argentines eat mexican food?
They think they do!
bapak said:
Can you get the ingredients there and are they expensive?
Real hot sauce is rare - I have to smuggle my personal supply from the states. They also don't use (and I haven't found) corn tortillas so you'd probably have to make your own.
bapak said:
And then there's there very important fact how can you make any money seeing meals are kinda cheap in ba? You would have to get as much for a burrito as you would a meal!
Become trendy and you can get whatever you ask. Of course, cheapskates like me will stop coming, but you don't need customers like me if you can get the "swells" to flock in, and besides I'll still be getting my huge discount for kicking off your venture with this incredibly useful post!
bapak said:
And, by your postings the choice of cuisines in ba does not sound great. All i hear is empanadas, steak, pizza and pasta!
That appears true, but isn't really. Even though those are the "staples" of the BsAs diet, there are more and more restaurants who offer much more adventurous cuisine - you just have to sniff them out.
bapak said:
Every, and i mean every, country i've ever been to (and i'm older than dirt) kfc has been a huge success. But the "forum" tells me "not in argentina" cause they don't want to eat with their hands!!
This is true - I had to seriously tease my Argentine friend for eating (or trying to eat) the American-style burger I made him with a knife and fork!
Anyway - it'd be fine with me if you gave it shot, so good luck!
If you want, you can use my house (and kitchen) to host the "Jalepeno Invitational" and see how many folks show up!