Recently Moved In From Houston

We actually have exactly the same climate type... heat is milder here though (believe it or not)

Yep, and no Argentines can ever believe it! Winter is colder and longer down in BA as well, with no random 70-degree days to interrupt the chill. I was actually talking to a fellow Houstonian who lives abroad the other day about how we're so spoiled there because pretty much every indoor space has central AC and heat (although we go way too overboard with the AC; no one should have to carry a sweater on them when it's 100 degrees outside). I still suffer some in BA winters because I've always lived in apartments with a heater either in the bedroom OR the living room. 'Tis the season to bundle up!
Yep, and no Argentines can ever believe it! Winter is colder and longer down in BA as well, with no random 70-degree days to interrupt the chill. I was actually talking to a fellow Houstonian who lives abroad the other day about how we're so spoiled there because pretty much every indoor space has central AC and heat (although we go way too overboard with the AC; no one should have to carry a sweater on them when it's 100 degrees outside). I still suffer some in BA winters because I've always lived in apartments with a heater either in the bedroom OR the living room. 'Tis the season to bundle up!

I've experienced many mild to warm winter days in Buenos Aires. By North American standards, the winter is very mild - frosts are rare, and it's snowed once in a century.
I've experienced many mild to warm winter days in Buenos Aires. By North American standards, the winter is very mild - frosts are rare, and it's snowed once in a century.

Sure, by "North American" (thats awfully broad) standards, it's considered mild by many. This is my fifth winter here. But it's not mild by southeast Texas standards. It's all about what you're comparing it to, which was kind of the whole point of my post...
By North American standard perhaps meant, The North part of the states?..Snowing and freezing?..And certainly not Southern California,nor Florida ! And much less compared to Arizona...
Welcome to BsAs. 40 yr old married Canadian male and just moved down here in March. I lived in Texas for several years and I live in the Acasusso area so send me a mesage if you want to meet up for a drink or coffee.
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