Renewing tourist visa at migraciones?

How early do you usually go to the airport before the flight if you have to pay the overstay fee? Does it take much time? My flight leaves at 10:30pm at night.
My question exactly! I have overstayed my visa 8 months. Leaving for Brazil in a month, and will pay the fine at the airport. My flight leaves 9.30pm...
I head that the bank will not be open then -you are apparently required to pay the money into the bank who issue you a receipt.

Not sure how correct/current this information is.

Hopefully someone has experienced this and can tell us.

Another question guys. I am going to renew my tourist visa at migraciones. Do i need to organise a 'turno' or can i just go in and wait til they see me??

Curlz - As far as I know, the bank has to remain open the same hours as the airport, because it's the only place for arriving tourists to change money. It definitely does not keep regular banking hours - I'm pretty sure I've used it as late as 10 pm.
P.S - I'm talking about Banco De La Nacion at Ezieza. If you're flying out of Aeroparque, I'm not sure how it works.
Anybody know if I have to make an appointment at migraciones to renew my 90 day visa? Or do i just show up and wait?

You don't need to make an appointment. Just show up and wait. It can be quite hectic for where to get a number and stand in line, but just poke around and most likely some agent will point the way.

By the way, some people recommend to not do the renewals (at migraciones or border crossings) and to just pay the fine on the way out. Besides possibly being marked in their system somehow for violating some sort of statue, and risking the fee going up before leaving, what happens in the meantime if a person is stopped in the street and asked for the ID or you get in an accident, etc and they see you've overstayed?