Rentisa Visa Questions

Well, then I would like to "withdraw" my PS and suggest starting the process with Argentine migraciones in Argentina, after you have all of the docs ready.
Yes, agree, starting it here in Argentina really is best. But to the point about "all the docs ready" #1 for my part, I could not find a clear list of the actual required docs, and when I got into the Radex application there were many fewer docs actually required than I thought / expected, plus their system pulls an Arg criminal report for you - no need to get one yourself. All in, a very pleasant surprise and education and saved from getting unnecessary docs. I don't know what lies ahead as far as docs go after you finalize the application. But up to this point, so far so good. #2 you can start without all the docs ready in advance, you can get started and keep returning into the app to add more, as long as you don't make the mistake of clicking "Finizar" before you're completely ready, which apparently automatically closes the application regardless of whether you are really finished or not and seals your fate.
Thank you for the help.

I have around $40k USD in savings. Even if we considered the requirement to be $2k USD rather than 30k pesos, I should be good in terms of the financial requirements, right? Or do I need to convert that into a bank trust? I really don't understand why that would be necessary if I have the savings in my own bank account?

Also, in general for a single person, what's the average monthly expenditure to live in buenos aires? Can you live decently for $1k / month or so?
I could not find a clear list of the actual required docs

This is exactly where I am too. Is it possible for you to share a list of the documents which you actually needed to provide?

Also, is there a way to go through that online application in English somewhere?
I have around $40k USD in savings. Even if we considered the requirement to be $2k USD rather than 30k pesos, I should be good in terms of the financial requirements, right?

If the monthly requirement increases to the equivalent of $2000 USD and if migraciones wants to see funds that will meet the monthly requirement for two years you would be eight thousand dollars short..perhaps twelve thousand dollars short if they want to see that the trust has already made two monthly distributions before they approve your visa rentista.

Or do I need to convert that into a bank trust? I really don't understand why that would be necessary if I have the savings in my own bank account?

All of the money in a savings account can be withdrawn at any time. Migraciones is looking for monthly "income" that is stable and uninterruptable.

Also, in general for a single person, what's the average monthly expenditure to live in buenos aires? Can you live decently for $1k / month or so?

That has been a hot topic recently.

Moving to Argentina

Show us your money. Renting in BA: what's the go?

My wife (Argentinian) claims you can live "well" on $1500 a month in Argentina. True?

Argentina is expensive. Really don't know how middle class here get by

Advice for moving to Buenos Aires
This is exactly where I am too. Is it possible for you to share a list of the documents which you actually needed to provide?

Also, is there a way to go through that online application in English somewhere?
Here are the docs that I see necessary to upload - I'm applying for Pensioner. #1 last entry in Argentina stamped in passport page #2 criminal report from the country you've been residing in #3 the apostille of that criminal report from the Argentine embassy in the country you've been residing #4 profile picture (head shot with a 1/4 turn) #5 photocopy of the main passport page (not all pages, just the principle information page), #6 certificado de domicilio (you apply for an appointment to get it here in Argentina at this webpage :

There is not an English page but suggest you become familiar with your browser's built in Google translator and also this independent Google translate page: this page is hong kong based but it doesn't matter, it will work just fine for your english / spanish translations. With those two means of translation, which you can use while you're working in the application, you can get along very well any time you need to be able to read the page or sentences in the page in English.
Is it possible for you to share a list of the documents which you actually needed to provide?

The migraciones website no longer provides a list of the required documents when you click on "visa rentista" in the list of temporary residencies.

Here's what came up when I clicked on it on August 26, 2018:

Here are the requisites for the visa rentista (from the Argentine Migraciones website):



- IDENTIDAD: Cédula de Identidad, Pasaporte o Certificado de Nacionalidad con foto, originales. Estos documentos deberán encontrarse vigentes y en buen estado de conservación.

- CERTIFICADO DE ANTECEDENTES PENALES ARGENTINOS Emitido por Registro Nacional de Reincidencia o Policía Federal. Solo exigible a mayores de 16 años.

- CERTIFICADO QUE ACREDITE FEHACIENTEMENTE QUE NO REGISTRA CONDENAS ANTERIORES NI PROCESOS PENALES EN TRÁMITE emitidos por las autoridades competentes de los países donde haya residido por un plazo superior a UN (1) año, durante el transcurso de los últimos TRES (3) años. Solo exigible a mayores de 16 (dieciséis) años.

- DECLARACION JURADA de carencia de antecedentes penales en otros países, (será confeccionada en migraciones al momento de la solicitud de residencia).

- INGRESO. Sello de ingreso al país estampado en el documento de viaje o en la tarjeta migratoria.


- UNA FOTO 4x4 COLOR (Deberá ser actual, tomada de frente, medio busto, con la cabeza totalmente descubierta, color, con fondo uniforme blanco y liso, permitiendo apreciar fielmente y en toda su plenitud los rasgos faciales de su titular al momento de realizar el trámite).

$6000 + $100 DNI

- Deberá acreditar ante la DIRECCION NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES el origen de los fondos y su ingreso al país, por intermedio de instituciones bancarias o financieras autorizadas por el BANCO CENTRAL DE LA REPUBLICA ARGENTINA. Asimismo, deberá probar que el monto de las rentas que perciba resulta suficiente para atender a su manutención y la de su grupo familiar primario. A los fines de otorgar la residencia, se tomarán en cuenta las disposiciones de la Ley N° 25.246, sobre Encubrimiento y Lavado de Activos de origen delictivo. A fin de poder acceder a una residencia temporaria en carácter de rentista, el monto mínimo requerido es de $ 30.000 (PESOS TREINTA MIL)


• Toda documentación expedida en el extranjero deberá contar con la legalización del Consulado Argentino, sito en el país emisor del documento Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Comercio Internacional y Culto, o Apostillada, si el país hubiera ratificado el Convenio de La Haya.
• Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en los acuerdos o convenciones internacionales vigentes, toda documentación expedida por las representaciones consulares en el territorio nacional, deberá contar con la legalización del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Comercio Internacional y Culto, excepto MERCOSUR.
• Toda documentación expedida en idioma extranjero deberá contar con la traducción al castellano efectuada por Traductor Público Nacional (Art. 6° Ley 20.305) y legalizada por el Colegio de Traductores.
• La documentación a presentar deberá ser original. La Dirección Nacional de Migraciones podrá solicitar, si así lo considerase necesario, documentación adicional a la detallada

Also, is there a way to go through that online application in English somewhere?

Copy and paste anything you would like to read in English in the website.
Thank you for the help.
Also, in general for a single person, what's the average monthly expenditure to live in buenos aires? Can you live decently for $1k / month or so?
I have only been in and out of BsAs over the past month. Starting by using AirBnB for short term rental @ U$700/mo, but planning to find a one bedroom unfurnished apartment in the U$350 - U$450 per month plus gastos / expenses. I have seen some listings in windows in that range but I'm now thinking that U$700 / month is more likely. Meals in nice cafes are U$10-12. Taxis are pretty cheap $2 to $5 to get around generally. I don't know what my basic cost of living is going to be yet, but now expecting U$1500 to U$1800 / month for a single person.
Thank you for all the advice guys.

if migraciones wants to see funds that will meet the monthly requirement for two years

Is it always the case that they want to see 2 years, or only because I'm using savings / a bank fund rather than salary / a fixed source of income?

All of the money in a savings account can be withdrawn at any time. Migraciones is looking for monthly "income" that is stable and uninterruptable.

Question about that - if I started a business and the business was making $2k+ / month, around how many months would it have to continue making that amount in order for me to be able to use that for the Rentisa visa?
starting by using AirBnB for short term rental @ U$700/mo

That's pretty expensive, I found a lot of apartments available for $300-400 a month on Airbnb which were furnished as well. Were you looking for particularly nice apartments only?
The migraciones website no longer provides a list of the required documents when you click on "visa rentista" in the list of temporary residencies.
Here's what came up when I clicked on it on August 26, 2018:
Here are the requisites for the visa rentista (from the Argentine Migraciones website):
Just to note that all that 'ponderous' language and detail is absent from the Radex Pensioner application, including any advice that the docs need to be translated. For this reason I'm waiting for the anvil to drop from the sky at some point in the future, if they decide to load in 'the details'. Would be curious to know what Ali84747 is / will be seeing on his side applying for Rentista.