By heart of Recoleta I mean near calles Quintana, Avenida Alvear, Posadas.... or even RetiroSergio, give me the Exact coordinates.
By heart of Recoleta I mean near calles Quintana, Avenida Alvear, Posadas.... or even RetiroSergio, give me the Exact coordinates.
Can you recommend your tennis coach? May be looking for one soonLa Mar in Palermo has always been a favourite place for me. Been there last week and paid 100K for 2 with 2 margaritas and 3 mains to share and a dessert. This used to be max $35. They make great food but the prices gone up unbelievably. On the other hand; Oligario in Belgrano; two of us, very neat Belgrano parilla. Elegant. Great food. Meat coming out of our ears and some take back home. 30.000 for 2. Argentina getting more and more expensive for sure but still it’s a lot more affordable than anywhere in the first world. My tennis coach; best best best, USD 8.50. Massage at home usd 6.50. Spanish lessons 1 on 1 usd 6.00.
why don't you start posting some actual stats instead of emotionstourism is way down now and many restaurants are empty . Prices are far too high now
Tourism is up to about pre-pandemia levels. Which means a bit over 2 million a year. And of that, a tiny percentage are from the USA or Europe, the vast majority are Brazilian, Uruguayan, Chilean and Peruvian.
Here is a link to the last figures I can find for 2023, which goes thru September.
As you can see US and Euro tourists combined are usually at most 20% of the total.
So, around 400,000 a year.
Compare that to NYC, which gets 32 MILLION tourists a year, of whom 2 million or so are foreign.
In a city of the size of BA, tourism is really not as big of a driver as you may think.
Observatorio Turístico
Te damos la bienvenida al sitio del Observatorio Turístico de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, donde podrás visualizar de forma dinámica los principales datos del turismo en la
Estimates I can find indicate all foreign tourism combined brings a bit over 1 billion dollars to the country. Which includes all those uruguayans coming to buy rubber boots and ag equipment.
The GDP of the country is 640 Billion in 2023. So all tourism combined is what- a fifth of a percent of the economy?
By heart of Recoleta I mean near calles Quintana, Avenida Alvear, Posadas.... or even Retiro
They aren't the only places in the area. Calle Ortiz in front of the cemetery is in the heart of Recoleta; someone here praised an inexpensive restaurant there. There must be others.Way out of my price range ..! Fervor on Posadas $$$$ , Marcelo on Callao $$$$$. Cost per Person perhaps $30.000 pesos, with a moderate price wine..!
I’ll pm you his details. He doesn’t speak any English but great player. He trained one of the top AR players.Can you recommend your tennis coach? May be looking for one soon