Returning after overstaying visa

Due to Lufthansa strike some friends will probably overstay 90 days. Did someone recently paid fine in Ezeiza? How much was it, and with which means it should be paid? It's a family with 2 small kids, if that makes any difference. I was checking online, and I guess it is 20.000 ars per person, but I am not sure I am watching correct fees. Appreciate your help.
Due to Lufthansa strike some friends will probably overstay 90 days. Did someone recently paid fine in Ezeiza? How much was it, and with which means it should be paid? It's a family with 2 small kids, if that makes any difference. I was checking online, and I guess it is 20.000 ars per person, but I am not sure I am watching correct fees. Appreciate your help.
Go to migracion days before the flight to avoid problems at the airport. I forget how I paid...pesos or credit card. I think with CC....but go with both. (not migracion at the airport....near Puerto Madero)
as mentioned 2 years ago, the airlines won’t let you fly if entrance is a problem you can’t solve by paying the multa. good luck
the airlines are responsible for your return flight if flaged for non entry in the computer system