Ive been here over 4 years and have always liked visiting Tigre and its delta. I thought about living there and still do, but its been sad to see the dramatic increase in river contamination.
The water is putrid with pollution and garbage. When the river is low, you can clearly see enormous piles of trash under the bridge. To my knowledge, the mayor and city government of this small city isnt putting a stop to the dumping (perhaps the city itself is a dumper).
Anyway, the newspaper Clarin has video and photos in todays issue (oct. 17) about this (www.clarin.com). If you click on "infografias" it shows a map of the extent of the pollution. If you click on fotos, it shows 8 photos that i think just hint at the problem. I recently took some right in the center of town that show how much waste was floating around. If your Spanish isnt very good, you can still get a good idea of the problem by seeing the videos and photos.But theres no substitute for actually standing there and smelling it and see just how much garbage is there.
The boat collectivo companies seem to be part of the problem and dont seem to be held to any environmental standard. The river, filled with boaters, and nearby, filled with bathers in summer, is oil slicked.
Im just passing this along. I assume many of those who have been here a while have noticed an increase in the pollution as I have. I dont know how much the city govt. is part of the problem, but i havent seen yet how they are spearheading change to be part of the solution. So until the city govt. does something or the provincial govt. (hehehe, i know i laugh myself just suggesting it) or feds step in, Tigre will be living in its own filth. Lets hope some grassroots efforts can make waves and get needed action and control.
Hmm, I smell another letter to the editor brewing.
The water is putrid with pollution and garbage. When the river is low, you can clearly see enormous piles of trash under the bridge. To my knowledge, the mayor and city government of this small city isnt putting a stop to the dumping (perhaps the city itself is a dumper).
Anyway, the newspaper Clarin has video and photos in todays issue (oct. 17) about this (www.clarin.com). If you click on "infografias" it shows a map of the extent of the pollution. If you click on fotos, it shows 8 photos that i think just hint at the problem. I recently took some right in the center of town that show how much waste was floating around. If your Spanish isnt very good, you can still get a good idea of the problem by seeing the videos and photos.But theres no substitute for actually standing there and smelling it and see just how much garbage is there.
The boat collectivo companies seem to be part of the problem and dont seem to be held to any environmental standard. The river, filled with boaters, and nearby, filled with bathers in summer, is oil slicked.
Im just passing this along. I assume many of those who have been here a while have noticed an increase in the pollution as I have. I dont know how much the city govt. is part of the problem, but i havent seen yet how they are spearheading change to be part of the solution. So until the city govt. does something or the provincial govt. (hehehe, i know i laugh myself just suggesting it) or feds step in, Tigre will be living in its own filth. Lets hope some grassroots efforts can make waves and get needed action and control.
Hmm, I smell another letter to the editor brewing.