Robbery at my store - Av. Triunvirato 3883 Villa Urquiza

AlexfromLA said:
That's just horrible man. You should make flyers with their pictures on them and pass them around to the businesses in your neighborhood.

I'm glad no one got hurt, you did the right thing by not trying to resist.

This is a horrible idea. This is just asking for the guys to come back and rob you again.

The police should be abe to handle it. The city police are finally working again after almost three years of being forced not to work. So they are doing thier jobs which in turn is making the federal police do more.
So sorry to hear this, unfortunately this happens daily all over the city :( Luckily nobody got hurt. You did the right thing, anything else would just put you in danger.
So sorry David. Thanks for sharing this with everyone. Glad you and your customers were ok.
Crime unfortunately has become a reality in Buenos Aires and I am very aware of this threat seeing many acts first hand . I do not share the belief that one should fight back as ones life is not replaceable where monies are .
Sorry to hear this.

I am not a storeowner myself, but have had several friends who have stores that were robbed in Mendoza, and I know it is difficult in many ways.

Peace and good luck!
Thanks to all my fellow expats for your support and thoughts. It's great to have this online community here.
I've lived in Mendoza for 5 years and lived in BA first in 1982 for a year...knowing this country like the back of my hand i feel like sometimes...and I stand by mantra that 80% of this kind of crime is done by a small group of people who seem to always get off..there are issues in the justice system...especially with minors...
I've only just spotted this.
Bad luck David. We've been done twice at gunpoint. Unpleasant to say the least.
We won't be defeated though.