I did a test on Jan 27th through "Dispositivos Turistas". Basically if you are claiming that you recently arrived to CABA (even if you just drove to a provincia for the weekend) you can book a quick test at a drive-thru location. I was able to book one for the next day. There was no wait in the line and about 100 medical personnel in a very organized warehouse. They gave me a nose swab, then we pulled over and waited 20 minutes and got our results immediately. We may have received immediate results because I told them I was exposed to a positive case at my gym, but it seemed like everyone pulled over and waited for their results. The next day I was able to download my test results via whatsapp. Due to my test results, I got phone calls nearly every day from medical personnel following up on my symptoms, or from someone making sure I was clear on the terms of the quarantine. I don't have obra social and the test was free. I did mine at the "La Rural" sede which was across the street from Ecoparque (it looks like that sede isn't available right now on the website), but it looks like you can still go to Puerto Madero or Recoleta.
Here is the link if anyone needs it. I believe you have to check off that you have completed at Declaracion Jurada recently.
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I'm confused. You arrived in Ezeiza from a foreign country and did the test after arrival? Then they checked up on you by phone every day after that (for how long)? That contradicts what others have said about no follow up. Anyway, can you clarify whether you were goin to Argentina or leaving. Thanks