Salary ? - 15K a year?


Jan 2, 2007
Does a salary btwn 12,000 & 15,000 USD sound about right if I were looking to hire someone with 2-3 years experience in procurement, finance, etc?
"citygirl" said:
Does a salary btwn 12,000 & 15,000 USD sound about right if I were looking to hire someone with 2-3 years experience in procurement, finance, etc?

If net I think it should be fine, if gross hmmmmmmm nope
Really? Interesting - I have asked locals in Argentina & they felt that a 45,000 - 60,000 peso salary annually was certainly in line with the requirements I mentioned. Hmm.....
Edited to clarify - I am not looking for expats, would be looking for Argentine citizens for jr level positions.
"citygirl" said:
Really? Interesting - I have asked locals in Argentina & they felt that a 45,000 - 60,000 peso salary annually was certainly in line with the requirements I mentioned. Hmm.....
Edited to clarify - I am not looking for expats, would be looking for Argentine citizens for jr level positions.

CG,If it is net it sounds right, if gross but en blanco with health insurance, etc is ok imho
How old is the person? When you say two to three years of experience, do you mean 2-3 years AFTER they received their degree, or were they still completing their degree while working?
Since I don't know their age, assuming the person is between about 24-28years old, I would say 3000 pesos a month + another 300 in tickets (if your company uses them) + health insurance is doing well for that level of experience. If they are older you should pay more.
I assumed she was looking for sombody in his mid 20´s that already got his degree.
2-3 years experience - assuming after they have degree although certainly would be open to someone currently getting their degree with same work experience.
Nikad - what do you mean by "en blanco"? apologies but this is not a phrase I am familiar with. I am thinking perhaps you mean with legal employment contracts, benefits,etc (as opposed to black market)? If that is the case then yes.
We are budgeting gross salary cost & health insurance costs between 4000 and 5000 pesos a month per person which seemed reasonable to me but again, I am still in discovery stage & will be meeting with laywers, Ernst & Young, accountants, etc upon my return.
But I am always looking for feeback so thank you for your thoughts.
I was borned in Argentina, Mendoza, currently living in Naples Florida. I graduated from school as a Registrered Nurse, but I am looking to move to Buenos Aires soon, to be close to my family and because I always loved the city. I am looking for jobs down there. I have worked for Verizon Wireless for 7 years in many positions, as well as The Ritz Carlton . I would like to know if there is anything you can offer me. I could send my resume if you wish. Thanks in advance for everything. Carlos. my email is [email protected]
citygirl said:
2-3 years experience - assuming after they have degree although certainly would be open to someone currently getting their degree with same work experience.

Nikad - what do you mean by "en blanco"? apologies but this is not a phrase I am familiar with. I am thinking perhaps you mean with legal employment contracts, benefits,etc (as opposed to black market)? If that is the case then yes.

We are budgeting gross salary cost & health insurance costsbetween 4000 and 5000 pesos a month per person which seemed reasonable to me but again, I am still in discovery stage & will be meeting with laywers, Ernst & Young, accountants, etc upon my return.

But I am always looking for feeback so thank you for your thoughts.

If you are calculating _costs_ of your employees, you should be calculating more than that. I'm not sure how much you will need to pay in taxes, contributions for your employees in Argentina, but I would guess you need to calculate about 30-50% more than what you intend to pay them to get the cost to the company.
Mimi - thanks. I actually was just asking about the salary not the total fringe costs (which are unfortunately much higher than your estimates). We actually anticipate about 60-70% in additional costs for taxes, etc.