SCHOOL DROP OUT...but have some money

Doctor_Stupid said:
i thought the celtic tigre only died last year??

2010 was the official end... when I bailed out in 2003 it was because I am essentially a cautious poker player who folds early with chips still in their pocket. I didnt believe the Irish party could last possibly last much it turns out it did but no regrets as 10years of partying was more than enough.
fifs2 for $100 000 / year i will entertain you for another decade

i am only a semi real doctor by the way
died way longer than that mate......ask anyone living in ireland..people who where leaving up to 2007 ,where leaving by choice,to, as fifs said"party and travel the world" now the are leaving as they have no choice ,but to go and find work to survive....oh how times have changed....and its not just ireland,all of the e u is crumbling...italy are next for a bail out argentina here come the take all yer jobs..
Bewler, bewler... Bueller ?! (Sincerely, I don't know the thing about 'bewler', closer I can think is Ferris. Any clue would help me perfect my English understanding, thanks). It's the kind of joke that seems obvious if you were raised in an English speaking country but for those who were not, even if they are fond of the language, it's trickier. Thanks!