Seeking Advice For The Move To B.a.


Jun 1, 2016

My wife and I, along with our newborn son, are looking to move to B.A. I am a attorney and she is an editor in NYC. If anyone has any advice for making the move, finding a job, and relocating, I'd welcome your thoughts!

Thanks and look forward to joining this expat community.

Hey. Welcome. You are better off using the search tool to start as all of those topics you mentioned have been discussed in depth. Then come back with specific questions.

My wife and I, along with our newborn son, are looking to move to B.A. I am a attorney and she is an editor in NYC. If anyone has any advice for making the move, finding a job, and relocating, I'd welcome your thoughts!

Thanks and look forward to joining this expat community.


Sorry Andrew, you can't move to Argentina and just find a job as an attorney.

PS: Your post appears quite trollish. It's the kind of absurd question that some occasionally ask to get attention and/or watch
"real" expats waste their time.

If you really are an attorney in New York with a wife who has a job and you also have a newborn son, just stay where you are.

If not, just stay in your mother's basement.
And further to Steve in BA 's post -

I wish all these posts ( 1 million of them) ..moving to BA next month ( in 3 months) ( in 6 months) ( in 1 year) ( next year) ( in September) ( in december) ( in 2020) ( in 2050)

can all be put in one thread.
Steve -

I'm not sure how seeking advice from "real" expats on a forum for expats about expat life is "trollish." Clearly I'm not the first person to have asked this question. I certainly would have hoped for a more supportive response particularly as I am a newcomer to this site (hence posting on the newcomer forum). Just as you moved abroad, and presumably sought the advice of others (as I'm sure all expats have done at some point), I too am looking for the same.


I'm not sure how seeking advice from "real" expats on a forum for expats about expat life is "trollish." Clearly I'm not the first person to have asked this question.

Yes, others have asked, and some of them were trolls (most often the ones who simply announced they were moving to BA without even indicating they had ever visited Argentina).

Some even provided what appeared to be quite thoughtful (and detailed) information.

Here's my favorite:

Wannabe Expats

PS: Apparently Deb and Viviana were the same person ( I have it on good authority that the posts by both of them came from the same URL)..
PS2: For additional information, click on the sprocket next to the magnifying glass to get the advance search page.

Enter "wannabe expat" in the "find words" box.

Match "title and content" and display the results as a .topic list.

Yeah, it's hard for us to believe that an attorney and an editor, apparently from NYC, with a newborn baby, would be planning to move to Argentina - with at least one of those two (it wasn't specified if one or both would search for a job) looking to find a job, here in the land of bad economy and in a time of upheaval politics. Both professions require some intelligence, at least for a reasonably successful stature within those professions.

Someone who is seriously considering a move and has done anything more than say, as idle chat, "I wonder what it would be like to move to Argentina" would already know that:
  1. Salaries are pretty dismal here compared to the US
  2. Jobs on this level are not plentiful, to put it mildly
  3. Law here is completely different from law there and you wouldn't even be able to practice until you got trained up and certified (whatever that entails, but I can't believe it's simple and fast)
  4. You'd have to get residency first before you could work, or get sponsored by an employer (see 2 & 3)
  5. Much more but I can't be bothered to write more.
If you were seriously thinking about moving here, I'd think you'd be asking for more specifics about these things, not asking for general advice about moving a family here.

A relatively quick perusal of the threads on the forum should give to the reader a general feeling among the expats here of the troubles and travails many of us have been through, and are still experiencing, related to the last 12 years of Cristina and most specifically the last 4-5 years. It should give a pretty quick answer as to how easy it's going to be to do things like find a job, one that pays well, open a bank account, find a way to qualify for residency or getting citizenship, find a way to live in a decent apartment for more than a couple of months at a time without actually owning property (or knowing someone well enough that they put their property up as a guarantee for your rental contract) etc.

Specific questions about specific areas make sense, but such general statements and queries from professionals don't make sense.

Sorry if we're a little skeptical. If you're sincere, maybe you can explain a little more about your situation and what you're thinking.
Others have asked that same question about every other day and you can't expect seasoned expats to answer everyone. Hence the search tool button.