It sounds like you want to be sold on Buenos Aires. But, you can see by the posts of people who live here that the fantasy of "Paris of the Americas" is very different from the reality for most of us.
I tell everyone who wants to come here to rent for at least 3-6 months and see what you think. For cheaper rents stay away from real estate agencies that deal exclusively with the English speaking tourist market.
Cost of living definitely depends on your lifestyle. For US$3,000 a month you can live well meaning that you can pretty much do what you want to do without counting pennies. That does not include rent which varies wildly (I think that there is a separate thread for that). Crime is a growing problem. So is resentment towards foreigners. I know that some people will disagree with me on this but my experience is that with so many people struggling all yanquis are perceived as being extremely wealthy, entitled, easy targets for being ripped off, etc. You might not be wealthy. You might be struggling yourself but you will always be seen as someone to be taken advantage of or, at least that you can afford to be taken advantage of.