Sending Money To Family Member In Buenos Aires?


Apr 12, 2012
I'm sort of new, I signed up and read on this forum awhle back, and saved it as a possible source of info. People living in a place know more about it and can maybe answer questions the best way.
My son is currently living there, he left the USA 3 years ago and went to B.A and married a woman he had fallen in love with and gotten to know, online (he had gone there to visit the year before, so knew her in person, too) At one time the spouse of an American citizen could come back to the USA, but not now. That is currently being straightened out (her paperwork, she is a Bulgarian citizen with permanent residency in Argentina, and had something missing on her birth certificate, it's been so long since she left Bulgaria. They have found a lawyer in the USA who feels this can be resolved) The problem now, when his wife can get her Visa or passport is money. He gets social security from the USA (via debit card) but this is enough for them to live on (and making payments to the lawyer) but there is costs for paperwork, and plane fare, which is the biggest expense and deposit on apartment when they get there. they want to move to Phoenix AZ where he lived at one time and feel is good (weather, and a lot of spanish speaking. His wife also wants to get a job and speaks 5 languages, so that might be a plus, there). Over the last week, we (his family) have tried to set up a fund raisiing website people can donate to, to help with all the costs of helping them come back to the USA.
This seemed simple, people set up fund raising pages to collect money for a vacation or to buy a new car! (though I don't know how much is donated) There are "fund me" type sites one can set up. We tried several of these, which for various reasons didn't work, weren't easy to use, one of them wanted $12 of the $17 collected when we tried ot cancel it and take it out. Paypal has one that is also confusing, but seems to require a USA paypal account for it to go into. They also take out fees (of course) Last night we decided to just use his PayPal address, he has an "international" one (with Bank of America in the USA) which seemed simplier and easier. I tried to donate to try it and PayPal said they can't transfer funds to Argentina at this time. I googled it and apparently it has to do with American money being illegal there? Even though it would be going into an American bank. My son was going to call the bank (and maybe Paypal) today to see what he could find out. There's Western Union I think that might work? but, seems like they charge $27 fee to send $100. Aside from getting donations to help with their plane fare, etc, what if his family (in the USA) wanted to send money just to help? Maybe if I tried paypal and used the drop down menu to check Argentine funds instead of USD? Right now I'm waiting to hear if he finds something out, he is getting very frustrated and discouraged about this. His family (me and his siblings) doesn't have extra money, like to help in a big way. If we did, we could buy the plane tickets (once her paperwork gets fixed) and wire or send money to him at his destination in the USA. He has friends all over (due to facebook) and some have said they will donate money, or send him some to help. If there is a way to do this. Someone in the USA could collect money for them, but then still have to find a way to get it TO them. They could use some of it now, before the trip, like for the legal fees and paperwork, faxing, etc.
Just writing this, thinking maybe someone will read it and see something we are missing. Maybe he will find something out today from the bank and/or paypal. We were writing about this on facebook, and I had the idea maybe someone had frequent flyer miles or points they get using certain credit cards they weren't going to use and could donate. I looked this up and there are charities people can do this to, but nothing that fits their situation.
This didn't seem as complicated when we first got the idea of helping bring them "home" to the USA.
Thanks for reading this...
It isn't exactly because the dollar is illegal here, but more like because Argentina lives in a different banking world, their official currency rate is well below what the world accepts as its true value, yadda, yadda.

Western Union will work, but they charge a LOT. There's also, better prices than Western Union and works from the States. There could be some complications getting the money, do a search on the site for specifics about Xoom. He won't get the transfer in US currency, ever (I mean anywhere here, maybe in a few years that will change), from any official, completely legal, source. Also, he will get pesos converted from dollars at the official rate (or maybe a bit better with Zoom, but wouldn't be much if so), which means a loss.

Planes tickets can be bought there in the passengers' names, leaving off the ned to send that portion of the money down here, I'd think.

There are black market ways to bring actual dollars into the country. If he knows an expat who sends money down, and can trust him or her, they could possibly work out a deal like that. There are also black market folk who deal in transfers and can bring in money at a cost, but those are hard to find and require connections.

If interested, send me a PM and we could chat a bit more out of the public eye.

BTW - I married a Paraguayan with residency here and had the idea of bringing her back to the States with me. I was quite naive almost 8 years ago and realize now it's not an easy task. I sympathize. I can't even get my wife a tourist visa to visit my folks and we don't want to immigrate at this time. Good luck to you all.
It isn't exactly because the dollar is illegal here, but more like because Argentina lives in a different banking world, their official currency rate is well below what the world accepts as its true value, yadda, yadda.

Western Union will work, but they charge a LOT. There's also, better prices than Western Union and works from the States. There could be some complications getting the money, do a search on the site for specifics about Xoom. He won't get the transfer in US currency, ever (I mean anywhere here, maybe in a few years that will change), from any official, completely legal, source. Also, he will get pesos converted from dollars at the official rate (or maybe a bit better with Zoom, but wouldn't be much if so), which means a loss.

Planes tickets can be bought there in the passengers' names, leaving off the ned to send that portion of the money down here, I'd think.

There are black market ways to bring actual dollars into the country. If he knows an expat who sends money down, and can trust him or her, they could possibly work out a deal like that. There are also black market folk who deal in transfers and can bring in money at a cost, but those are hard to find and require connections.

If interested, send me a PM and we could chat a bit more out of the public eye.

BTW - I married a Paraguayan with residency here and had the idea of bringing her back to the States with me. I was quite naive almost 8 years ago and realize now it's not an easy task. I sympathize. I can't even get my wife a tourist visa to visit my folks and we don't want to immigrate at this time. Good luck to you all.

I sent a transfer to our contractor today via Xoom and, while the rate isn't quite blue, it's significantly better than the official rate. They're also very quick - within half an hour it was ready for pickup in BA.

Honestly if your son has been living here for 3 years he should know as much about this as the rest of us.

If you want to give him money just wire it to his bank account (in the us) or send it to his paypal account (linked to a US bank account).
Pardon me here. Your son is on US social security ? And you are his Mom? Iam receiving US SS benefits already and Iam nearing 65, but my Mom already RIP gone could have been way beyound the 80's..
If you are his Mom, god bless your cyber-ability ! Don't know many older than let say 80, that can muster the internet as you do.! Splendid. And wish all the luck for your son and his wife. Once settled in AZ she can re-learn the chicano spanish, 'cause last time I was there, couldn't figure out what those Mexican-American were speaking at their " mercado del pueblo ! oh, and make sure to send your money for your son there in Argentina but via Xoom...There the American money is well appreciated.