Set alight by her husband. Why is this happening time and again in Argentina?

KarlaBA said:
Sorry, I misunderstood the OP. I thought it was a women lighting a man on fire. And since the OP was asking why it happens a lot (their words) in Argentina, I attempted to give an opinion as to why.

No problem. Thank you for letting us know that you feel that some human beings deserve to be lit on fire.

I would not wish that even on Hitler, Pol Pot or Donald Rumsfeld, but hey, that is just me, an evil follower of the Austrian School of Economics.
KarlaBA said:
Perhaps in the particular professional classes you move in this type of behavior isn't rampant.

High-profile cases of domestic violence will always attract headlines, but thousands of people experience domestic abuse every day. They come from all walks of life. It is not restricted to working, middle or upper class. Nor it is related to poor education.

Poverty, or a downturn in a person's economy does not cause domestic violence, but it can make it wose, for example if an abusive person loses their job their level of abuse might rise.
BienTeVeo said:
Ghost´s post was SO on the money that it shamed me into action.

Here´s some info on Macarena´s case...•-se-trata-macarena-alba-docente-de-moreno/

And you were right on the money for pointing out our stupid and petty squabbles mate!
Our own opinions can distract us from the real point.
I read the blog and was shocked to the core.
My wife's ex is similarly affected by psycho tendencies and we steer well clear of him and I protect her voraciously, knowing what she went through for so may years.
Since it is common in South Asia an Arab countries and Argentina has a considerable representation from countries that practice this?
***thanks to Raymond for posting...for as twisted as mysogyny gets, we cant forget the allies.
Gringoboy said:
And you were right on the money for pointing out our stupid and petty squabbles mate!
Our own opinions can distract us from the real point.
I read the blog and was shocked to the core.
My wife's ex is similarly affected by psycho tendencies and we steer well clear of him and I protect her voraciously, knowing what she went through for so may years.

It wasn't me. It was Ghost. I was well on the way to flying off into another pointless cybersquabble ("Oh look! Somebody said something stupid. What fun!"), completely disregarding the appeal for help. Ghost's email was a splash of cold water in the face.

Cheers to you, mate.
Feminale said:
Since it is common in South Asia an Arab countries and Argentina has a considerable representation from countries that practice this?

Oh Lord. And we're off again. I'm really beginning to wonder about this forum thing.
KarlaBA said:
This method of violence is one of the very few strategies women have in Argentina to fight back against their oppressors. Argentina is like the USA in the 1950's in terms of sex-role stereotyping and misogyny. It is widely considered acceptable behavior for men in Argentina to verbally and emotionally (and some time physically) abuse their wives; to have at least one mistress; to attempt to have sex with any other woman that he sees; to have children with multiple women; to visit brothels regularly; to provide little help in the maintenance of the household; to never share in cooking or cleaning; to expect that all women physically resemble swimsuit models; etc. Not only are these types of behavior considered acceptable, Argentine men feel so comfortable about doing these types of things that they frequently boast about such thing in front of other women. Add all this personal abuse with the chauvinist society in general where women are very clearly informed of their subordinate place in society, and this country is a tinderbox of frustration, depression, and rage amongst women with very few viable constructive outlets.

Of course, physical assault with fire is a terrible act and not to be promoted. Some recipients are completely undeserving, while others are vastly over-deserving.

By the way, the same situation goes in Brasil. It seems pretty ironic that Argentina, Brasil, and Chile have/had female leaders while many of the more progressive (in terms of gender equality) nations of the world have not.

This is the most man hating post I have read on this forum . You are clearly saying that it is ok that a man gets lit on fire and that some recipients are over deserving . To say I am shocked would be an understatement.....
KarlaBA said:
Of course, physical assault with fire is a terrible act and not to be promoted. Some recipients are completely undeserving, while others are vastly over-deserving.

You're sick. Get help.

BienTeVeo said:
Ghost´s post was SO on the money that it shamed me into action.

Here´s some info on Macarena´s case...•-se-trata-macarena-alba-docente-de-moreno/

Her husband is not in jail? Thats an outrage!

Raymond. As an AB+ I'm usually pretty useless for whole blood donations, but if they have the facilities and it would help your friends sister, I can donate plasma on Saturday.
Crazy people are everywhere, to say that domestic violence is a Latin American problem is "loco." I pray for both these women and hope their husbands can get some serious mental help.

If you have kids, give them a hug right now. If you're "married," parents should act so mushy in front of their kids that the kid gets embarrassed... spread love.