Shocking new income requirement for visa rentista?

There is a brand new law, decreto 616/2010 and it is all about enforcement of non Mercosur citiozens (deportation of mercosur citizens is forbidden by law), deportation and police power to migration agents. And it specifies that they can´t let you in after on time you went to a place like Colonia (you can od it once only). So, the President wants to finish the abuse and you start paying taxes. Of course it will take some time.
This law also has a door open: you can apply, having a tourist visa, for temporary residence. They also provide a short extension in orden to have time to get all the papers you need (FBI criminal record takes like 3 month).
So, best advice, apply in advance for temporary residence because this new law is custom made for expath.
You know, the slogan of the migration office is "if you are illegal that´s because you want to".
Thanks Bajo Cero.
This decreto might change the deal for permatourists :

ARTICULO 24.- Los extranjeros que ingresen al país como "residentes transitorios" podrán ser admitidos en las subcategorías establecidas por el artículo 24 de la Ley Nº 25.871, con los siguientes alcances:

a) Turistas: quienes ingresen con propósito de descanso o esparcimiento, con plazo de permanencia de hasta TRES (3) meses, prorrogables por otro período similar.

(funny we recently discussed the law that especifically told about the 180 days limit. Answer was to be found in decretos published before the Law 25.871. This new decreto repeals the previous decretos, the 1994 one etc...)

Now the obligations of the aduaneros :

ARTICULO 34.- A efectos de controlar el ingreso y egreso de personas del territorio argentino la DIRECCION NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES tendrá las siguientes atribuciones:

a) Requerir la identificación de quienes pretenden ingresar o egresar del país.

b) Determinar los lugares, horarios, tiempos y formas en que se llevará a cabo el referido movimiento migratorio y habilitar los recintos correspondientes para ello.

c) Intervenir, cuando esto sea posible, la documentación que tales personas exhiban.

d) Determinar su tiempo de permanencia en el país.

e) Registrar el tránsito migratorio.

f) Controlar el movimiento de miembros de la dotación y tripulación de los medios de transporte internacional de acuerdo a la modalidad de cada lugar.

g) Otorgar la admisión al país, si correspondiere, dentro de las categorías migratorias establecidas o, en caso contrario, rechazar el ingreso del extranjero.

A few bad surprises for permatourists doing the Colonia trip !

Now the expulsion part :
ARTICULO 61.- Cuando se verifique que un extranjero hubiere desnaturalizado los motivos que autorizaron su ingreso al territorio argentino o permaneciera en éste vencido el plazo de permanencia acordado, la DIRECCION NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES lo intimará a fin de que, en un plazo que no exceda de TREINTA (30) días, se presente a regularizar su situación migratoria debiendo acompañar los documentos necesarios para ello. A tal efecto, se lo notificará por escrito informándole, de un modo comprensible, las consecuencias que le deparará mantenerse en la situación migratoria advertida.

La DIRECCION NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES podrá otorgar una prórroga del plazo acordado, que no podrá exceder de TREINTA (30) días, cuando así lo solicite el interesado y demuestre actos que evidencien su intención de regularizar la situación migratoria. Si para la entrega de la documentación requerida se produjeran demoras por circunstancias no imputables al extranjero, el plazo acordado podrá ser prorrogado por el tiempo que, a juicio de la DIRECCION NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES, resulte suficiente para superar tal situación.

Cuando el extranjero no regularizare su situación migratoria, la DIRECCION NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES dictará un acto declarando la ilegalidad de su permanencia y dispondrá su expulsión con destino al país de la nacionalidad del extranjero o, a su petición, a otro país que lo admitiese, cuando acredite debidamente esta última circunstancia. Se deberá resguardar el derecho de la persona a la información sobre la asistencia consular conforme lo dispuesto por la Convención de Viena sobre Relaciones Consulares adoptada por la ORGANIZACION DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS (ONU) el 24 de abril de 1963 y aprobada por Ley Nº 17.081.

Now, illegals sentenced to an expulsion could be retained up to 15 days :
ARTICULO 70.- Cuando la orden de expulsión de un extranjero se encuentre firme y consentida, el MINISTERIO DEL INTERIOR o la DIRECCION NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES solicitarán a la autoridad judicial competente que ordene su retención al solo efecto de cumplir con aquélla.

La petición deberá contener una identificación precisa de la persona respecto de quien se solicita la medida, e ir acompañada con copia certificada de la resolución de expulsión y de las demás constancias que acrediten que ésta se encuentra firme y consentida.

La retención podrá solicitarse por un plazo de hasta QUINCE (15) días corridos


Well, it seems the day has come for permatourists. Now the question is : will it be strictly applied or not ? Will foreigners from countries being hard on Argentinian illegals be subject to a stricter enforcement ? In the case the policy is enforced equally against any foreigner, will the other countries who were loose about Argentinean illegals become stricter ?

I am waiting to read the first horror story, anyway the law is the law !
I just heard that the retirement visa went up to $3500 pesos as well. Can anyone confirm this?
French jurist said:
Well, it seems the day has come for permatourists. Now the question is : will it be strictly applied or not ? Will foreigners from countries being hard on Argentinian illegals be subject to a stricter enforcement ? In the case the policy is enforced equally against any foreigner, will the other countries who were loose about Argentinean illegals become stricter ?

I am waiting to read the first horror story, anyway the law is the law !

The question I have is what parts of this law are new and which are already existing. I did not see anything formally prohibiting a Colonia trip or overstaying a visa and re-entering. (though my Spanish is still not that great)
Sleuth said:
The question I have is what parts of this law are new and which are already existing. I did not see anything formally prohibiting a Colonia trip or overstaying a visa and re-entering. (though my Spanish is still not that great)

I think the decreto is quite clear, and as I perceive it (would be good to know Attorney's opinion since he is a specialist), what has changed is that until now the law 25.871 (about migration) had for decretos ones that were passed before this law was enacted, hence it was a kind of messy situation.

What specifically prohibits reentering after 2x90 days is here :
g) Otorgar la admisión al país, si correspondiere, dentro de las categorías migratorias establecidas o, en caso contrario, rechazar el ingreso del extranjero.

Likely this obligation was written somewhere before (I don't know) but at least this new decreto, combined with the other changes (rentista) reveals that Migraciones is adopting a new attitude.

Will it be enforced strictly and immediately ? Or gradually ? Who knows...
due to the importance of the subject, maybe would it be good to start a new thread ?
I'll do it if nobody objects it
Sleuth said:
The question I have is what parts of this law are new and which are already existing. I did not see anything formally prohibiting a Colonia trip or overstaying a visa and re-entering. (though my Spanish is still not that great)

I answer you on the new thread.
Sleuth said:
I just heard that the retirement visa went up to $3500 pesos as well. Can anyone confirm this?

I can't confirm it, but if it's true that's still less than $1000 USD per month and most individuals from the US who are receiving Social Security could still qualify. The question remains if they can live without Medicare.
French jurist said:
I think the decreto is quite clear, and as I perceive it (would be good to know Attorney's opinion since he is a specialist), what has changed is that until now the law 25.871 (about migration) had for decretos ones that were passed before this law was enacted, hence it was a kind of messy situation.

The Congress approved the migration law (25.871) and the President had the administrative power make decretos in order to make the law enforceable and design the government policies, in this case, about migration. The same is in the US where Obama was thinking about to help illegals immigrant using administrative powers instead to deal with the Congress.
All the other decretos are repealed with the 616-2010.

Though I can't confirm it, I received a PM from a friend who was told by his lawyer that the new income requirement for the visa rentista of $8000 pesos per month applies only to the individual applicant and includes any and all dependents (spouse and children).