shopping in BA? american products that i need


Nov 28, 2010
i know things with be different in BA when it comes to shopping and im cool with that. Shopping for clothes and food will change but thats no big deal. But there are a few american cosmetic items that I cant part with and I was wondering if they are available in BA. And if they are available, how comparable are the us prices? ( haha, i just realized this list might be embarrassing)

prices in USD

Apricot scrub - less then 5$
antibacterial body wash (any cheap brand) - less then $5
dove men care body wash - less then $5
Listerine 8 in 1 mouthwash - $5 ish
neutrogena face soap - $5 ish
rogain - $50 for 3 pack.
degree men deodorant - $3 ish
nizoral shampoo - $15 ish

so now that you all know way too much about me, what are the odds i can find this stuff at stores in BA?
or least can i find similar products? the argentine/south american version or whatever...even if its generic

except rogain and nizoral...those are the brands i cant budge on.
I´m pretty sure that you will find here the following items:

Apricot scrub
antibacterial body wash
dove men care body wash (i´ve seen dove men soap, not sure about body wash)
Listerine 8 in 1 mouthwash (i´ve seen Listerine, not sure if the 8 in 1 variety exists here)
neutrogena face soap

As far as I´m concerned, the following brands doesn´t exist here, so you might wanna consider bringing a few from the US
degree men deodorant
nizoral shampoo

I hope it helps..
Most of the things that you listed can be found here (apricot scrub, antibacterial body wash, dove products, listerine) for comparable prices. They stopped selling regular neutrogena cleansing bars, but you can get the cheapie version of the soap for around 7 pesos ("deep clean" type--it's ok, a bit harsher than the normal bar and half the price). Other "drugstore" type cleansers (Cetaphil, Eucerin, etc) end up costing a lot more than they do Stateside, so you might just want to bring a stock with you. I don't think you'll find Degree deodorant down here, but I'm sure there are some equivalent brands as long as you're not extremely particular.

As to the hair products... I think that they sell Rogain or its generic equivalent easily here, but am not positive. My bet is that the Nizoral will be maybe more of a challenge, but there are shampoos that make an equivalent claim around. If you don't want to chance it, bring the shampoo with you. Many times if something (the rogane, for example) is prescription you can get it just over the counter by asking at any pharmacy. Do you speak Spanish? If so, maybe you could make a couple of calls. That said, perhaps there's a gentleman on the forum who can contribute more information than I. Good luck!
I bring Degree deodorant from the US, you cant find it here.
andreaNZ said:
I´m pretty sure that you will find here the following items:

Apricot scrub
antibacterial body wash
dove men care body wash (i´ve seen dove men soap, not sure about body wash)
Listerine 8 in 1 mouthwash (i´ve seen Listerine, not sure if the 8 in 1 variety exists here)
neutrogena face soap

As far as I´m concerned, the following brands doesn´t exist here, so you might wanna consider bringing a few from the US
degree men deodorant
nizoral shampoo

I hope it helps..
Yes Rogain exists in the local form which is better and cheaper by far than the US stuff. 5% is easy to get. There are many versions.
I'm generally appalled by the quality of toiletries in BA, and bring as many as I can from the States (in fact, I am flying back to BA on Monday, and have a suitcase full of tea tree face wash and Dr. Bronner's soap.) That said, you are a dude and probably way less picky about this than I am :D The brands you mentioned are available in BA, but the actual formulas can be different and sometimes inferior (I once bought a bar of Neutrogena face soap, and it was very weird and synthetic, nothing like its American equivalent.) But if you're not a purist about your favorite products, you can usually find some sort of alternative. In my experience, toiletries in general (except for the super-duper cheapo domestic brands) cost more in BA than in the US, and the packages are smaller.
I bring:

1) Johnson & Johnson's Q-Tip cotton swabs
-They sell this type of item in Argentina, even one from J&J, but they just don't put enough cotton on the tips. It sounds like a joke, but I'm completely serious.

2) Blistex
-They sell other lip balm, but not Blistex (which comes with a standard SPF15)

3) Pepcid-AC/Tagamet/????
-The things that stop acid before it starts don't exist down here. So if you need them, stock up.

4) Lubriderm SPF 15
-Lubriderm is good for the face (compared to normal hand lotion) and the SPF is good for face, nose, ears if you're going to be outside a bit. If you work in an office 9am-7pm every day, then it might not matter, but if you're out and about, it's good to have a little extra protection. Yes, sunscreen exists, but sometimes you don't want to douse yourself with gunk just to run a few errands.

I have no idea about haircare products, because I haven't had hair for years. But I can tell you that they have both Gillette's Mach-3 & Sensor razors & blades here as well as their FOAMY shaving cream for sensitive skin.

(Porque soy re sensible... :rolleyes: )
There is a Kiehls here and I go there for any special toiletries.

Bring lots of chapstick. The ones they sell here are like lotion in a tube, not the same as all.