Situation Normal


Sep 18, 2009
Good to see that life in BA rolls on in its usual fashion, which probably hasn't changed much since I don't know when
  • Inflation 35%?
  • Dollar going bonkers
  • Strike, strike, strike
  • Shootings and robberies
  • Protests

Have I missed anything?
Good to see that life in BA rolls on in its usual fashion, which probably hasn't changed much since I don't know when
  • Inflation 35%?
  • Dollar going bonkers
  • Strike, strike, strike
  • Shootings and robberies
  • Protests
Have I missed anything?

Yes, the boveda couldn't be found, Lilita shafted the investigation with another me-me-media show . But cheer up, the orange haze has promised to exterminate Capitanich.
My, it's deathly quiet outside my shop.
Has anything happened that I should know about?
Should we run for the hills?
It is all in your imagination Gringoboy:
El ministro de Trabajo habló sobre el impacto de la medida de fuerza realizada por los gremios opositores. Y afirmó: "De ninguna manera se puede afirmar que hubo un paro nacional".
Obviously just a sensation then.
I think I'll take what she's taking and be done with it.